Chinese officials met with the President of Indonesia in Chengdu in Chengdu, and said that China is willing to take the 10th anniversary of establishing a comprehensive strategic partnership this year as an opportunity to deepen strategic cooperation with Indonesia.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the official Chinese official on Thursday (July 27) met with Indonesian President Zoko, Indonesia, who went to China to attend the opening ceremony of the 31st World University Student Summer Games and visited China.

Chinese officials pointed out during the meeting that he opened a new chapter in the community of destiny community of the two countries last year with Zoko.On the road to realizing the national modernization and national rejuvenation, the concepts of China and Indonesia are highly consistent and mutual for development opportunities. They are like -minded fellows and good partners.

Chinese officials say that China is willing to take the 10th anniversary of establishing a comprehensive strategic partnership of the two countries this year as an opportunity to deepen strategic cooperation with Indonesia to create a model for developing destiny with the Communist Party, unity cooperation, and promoting development.More certainty and positive energy.

He emphasized that China is willing to maintain regular strategic communication with Indonesia, strengthen experience in governing the country, and launch the "2+2" dialogue mechanism of foreign ministers of the two countries to create high -level strategic mutual trust.The Yawan high -speed rail is about to open to traffic. The two parties must do their best to build the "last mile" construction to ensure the high standards and high quality of the project and inject acceleration into Indonesia's development.

Chinese officials said that China and India should continue to work well in comprehensive industrial parks, focusing on promoting the construction of the "Regional Comprehensive Economic Corridor" and the "Two Parks of the two countries".China supports the construction of the new capital of Indonesia and the development of North Kalimantan Industrial Park. It is willing to cooperate with Indonesia to expand new energy vehicles and smart cities to jointly promote the digital transformation of the industry.

He also said that China is willing to continue to expand the import of commodities and high -quality agricultural products in Indonesia, and implement the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP) in high -quality implementation to strengthen the safety of food security, poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, vocational education, language teaching, and language teaching.Cooperation in the fields of pharmaceuticals, health, cultural tourism.

Chinese officials pointed out that this year is the 10th anniversary of the China -Asia Gyanan (known as ASEAN), which has proposed a more close construction, and the 20th anniversary of China ’s Treaty of Friendship in Southeast Asia.China is willing to deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership with Asia, support Indonesia as the chairman of the Asian fine -torch duty this year, lead Asia's fine security to adhere to strategic autonomy, unite and strengthen, and jointly build a regional stable center and develop high ground.

He also said that China is willing to strengthen communication and collaboration with Indonesia in multilateral mechanisms such as the 20th G20 and BRICS countries to promote the implementation of global development initiatives, global security initiatives, global civilization initiatives, maintaining regional and global peace and stability, Promote the establishment of a community of human destiny.

Zoko was invited by Chinese officials to Chengdu to attend the opening ceremony of the Summer Games in the World University Student and two -day visit.This is the second time after July last year, Zako's second visit to China, and it is expected that he will strive for more Chinese companies to invest in Indonesia.