China Foreign Minister Qin Gang, who has been missing for a month, was exempted by the official announcement on Tuesday (July 25).

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China decided to avoid Qin Gang's foreign minister on the same day, and at the same time he appointed Wang Yi as a foreign minister.The 70 -year -old Wang Yi "returned to the pot", with a higher level of members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, regained his post seven months ago.China ’s diplomatic work is heavy. Wang Yi has attended a senior representative meeting of the BRICS National Security Affairs on Tuesday. On Wednesday, he visited Turkey on Wednesday.

The work of Chinese Foreign Minister is now the foreigner Wang Yi, but what happened to Qin Gang?Is he being investigated? It is rumored that he and female anchors are infected and have illegitimate children in the United States, or are he found other more serious questions?The official is still taboo. These doubts and mysteries continue to hover in the minds of Chinese people and international diplomats. They cannot get any answers, and once again highlight the opaque of the Chinese system.

The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China fully removes the information about Qin Gang on Wednesday, searching for the word "Qin Gang", and obtained a response "Sorry! Can't find data related to" Qin Gang ".The "Foreign Minister" event page is also blank. There is neither Qin Gang's news nor Wang Yi's information.

From the perspective of the outside world, this removal method is not logical and puzzling. Did Qin Gang have not been a foreign minister?However, according to Chinese practice and logic, the value of this strange approach is that it silently confirmed to the outside world: Qin Gang did involve serious problems, not the reasons for health.In China, all senior officials will be erased when they are dismissed by discipline.

At present, Qin Gang's post of State Councilor is still there, but I am afraid it is difficult to guarantee.It is estimated that it is only because the survey is still ongoing, so it has not finally decided.The next step may be that he was investigated by his disciplinary violations.

Strangely, although the post on Sina Weibo was "exempted from" the comments under the entry ", it mainly called on everyone to" do not believe in rumors, no rumors. "However, the Weibo account of the foreign female anchor that was rumored to be dyed with Qin Gang could still be browsed normally, including the photos of her sitting in the cabin holding the baby from the United States.From the relevant messages and video barrage, the protagonist of the gossip has been called out, and the official seems to have to completely dispel the scandal.???

Talking with scholars and businessmen, most people infer that the scandal may be true, otherwise the officials and the parties have long rejected their clarifications.Now that the high -level high -level has begun to check, it is necessary to completely find out whether it takes time whether it is a serious problem from the scandal to the country's field.There are many rumors in the outside world. The senior management may not decide how to deal with it after mastering more empirical evidence.

Reading the record of Chinese officials due to extramarital affairs, people's most impressed by Qiu Xiaohua, director of the National Bureau of Statistics in 2006, the official announcement was that "the cash sent by the unlikeful business owner; the corruption of life, suspected a criminal of the marriage."It was legendary that year. Qiu Xiaohua met the Shanghai female reporter through the introduction of a businessman. He had an extramarital affairs and had an illegitimate child. To this end, he accepted the real estate given by the businessman. These plots reported that the Chinese media made reports in January this year.Qiu Xiaohua's bribery plot is not serious. He was sentenced to one year for this. After he was released from prison, he became the chief economist of investment banks and was quite active.

Qiu Xiaohua is a precedent for being punished by Chinese officials because of the "life style of life" because of illegitimate children. His other problems are also less.If the illegitimate child was born in the United States, is the problem more serious?Especially the woman shows it in a fairly public way?There are no prerequisites for reference.

The 57 -year -old Qin Gang was promoted to the Foreign Minister at the Ambassador to the United States in December last year. In March this year, he was further promoted to the State Council.He is the youngest foreign minister since the reform and opening up of China, and has been the fastest record of promoting the deputy national level by the ministerial level since the reform and opening up, becoming the youngest deputy national leader at that time at that time.

He was promoted to the vice -national level at the speed of the rocket, and then fell at the speed of the rocket. This situation actually happened to the about 30 people in China's highest power. It was really unexpected.If it wasn't for the sudden incident, for example, Qin Gang had problems after the organizational department completed various background review, that is, when the high -level high -level talents were selected, the background review had serious omissions.This also aroused concerns of the outside world. China's decision -making quality in other fields such as economy, and whether the weight of different factors should be considered when considering the problems.

However, if there is a political struggle or a route struggle behind Qin Gang's accident, it will be too raised.After the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, even before the Communist Party of China, the power of high -level Chinese high -level officials had been highly concentrated. In all aspects of economics, military, and security, there were no challenges.Besides, the diplomatic route is big. In any country, it is decided by the highest leader. The style of the foreign minister will affect the external perception. However, it is impossible to challenge the country's diplomatic route and will not fundamentally change the route.

Qin Gang's nickname "Chinese War Wolf" is a derogatory term in Western countries, but in the minds of some Chinese people, it is a word.One day before he was removed from office, some netizens praised him for "a powerful diplomatic speech, fighting back to foreign media again and again" "In order to maintain the dignity of the motherland, it is a true beam of the country."These "just fans" are estimated to be unexpected. The next day Qin Gang was appointed and removed, and the information was quickly wiped out by the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was really ironic.

The official let rumors spread for almost a month, neither clarified nor explanatory, maybe the official did not care, but at all, it would not be revealed that there would be an official image after all, and the people also wanted the truth.China's current external situation is severe and the internal economy is sluggish. It does need more sunlight and transparency to inject confidence into the society.