(Beijing Comprehensive News) With the gradual recovery of industrial production, the profit of industrial enterprises above designated size in June has narrowed four consecutive months, but the stress and consumption demand of currency tightening and consumer demand continued to squeeze the profit margins of the enterprise.

According to the official website of the National Bureau of Statistics of China on Thursday (July 27), in June, the total profit of industrial enterprises above designated size in China achieved a total profit of 719.76 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 133.2 billion), a year -on -year decreaseNarrow 4.3 percentage points from May.

From January to June, the total profit of industrial enterprises above designated size decreased by 16.8%year -on -year, a narrowing of 2.0 percentage points from the first five months.

In the case of downturn in the real estate market, the shrinking exports, and the weak consumer demand, China's economic recovery in the second quarter lost power. The year -on -year growth rate of residents 'consumer price index (CPI) fell to 0, industrial producers' factory price index (PPI) The decline is further expanded, showing that the demand is still weak, and the production momentum is insufficient, which also makes economists worry that China is on the edge of currency tightness.

The continuous decline in the profit of industrial enterprises highlights the deterioration of the business conditions of the enterprise, but the decline has narrowed for four consecutive months, showing a gradual recovery trend.

Sun Xiao, statistician of the Industrial Department of the National Bureau of Statistics of China, explained that since this year, with the promotion of the economic continuous recovery of various policies and measures, the implementation of various policies and measures is effective, industrial production has steadily recovered, and the cumulative decline in profit has narrowed since the beginning of the year.Enterprise profit improves monthly.

Looking forward to the profit status of the industrial enterprise in the next stage, Sina Finance publishes Wen Bin, chief economist of China Minsheng Bank, said that the PPI will be rebounded at the bottom of the year, and the policy adverse cycle will be increased.It is expected that industrial enterprises will continue to narrow the profit decline.

But he also pointed out that due to the weakening of foreign demand, exports will continue to undergo pressure, the real estate market supply and demand relationship has changed significantly, and corporate confidence has yet to be further boosted. Therefore, industrial profits may still face certain pressure.