China's refined oil prices have "three consecutive" in the past month.

China News Agency reported that the China National Development and Reform Commission said on Wednesday (July 26) that according to the recent changes in oil prices in the international market, according to the current refined oil price,Domestic auto and diesel prices increased by 275 yuan (RMB, the same, about S $ 51) and 260 yuan per ton, respectively.

Attack the price increase. On average in China, the No. 92 gasoline, No. 95 gasoline and No. 0 diesel are raised by 0.22 yuan, 0.23 yuan and 0.22 yuan per liter.Xu Na, an analyst of Zhuochuang Information, pointed out that after the price adjustment of the price, consumers' travel costs increased slightly.Taking a home car with a fuel tank with a capacity of 50 liters as an example, the full box of 92 gasoline will spend 11 yuan more.

In terms of fuel consumption, a small private car with a monthly run of 2,000 kilometers and a fuel consumption of eight liters per 100 kilometers as an example. By the next price adjustment window, it will be opened, that is, before 24:00 on August 9, consumers cost the oil cost costIt will be increased by 16 yuan.

From the perspective of the logistics industry, taking a monthly run of 10,000 kilometers and a heavy card of 38 liters per 100 kilometers as an example, until the next price adjustment window is opened, the fuel cost of a single vehicle will increase by 390 yuan.

Reporting pointed out that after the price adjustment landed, since June 28, the price of oil products in China has risen three consecutive times in one month.

Xu Na said, after the "three consecutive rises", the cumulative increase of Chinese auto and diesel at 500 yuan per ton and 480 yuan per ton, respectively.The cumulative number of diesel is raised by 0.39 yuan, 0.41 yuan and 0.41 yuan per liter.

Compared to the "three consecutive rises", consumers' oil cost costs have increased significantly.According to calculations, compared with a month ago, Chinese consumers spent about 19.5 yuan to 20.5 yuan for 50 liters of gasoline.

Looking for the market outlook, Zhuochuang Information Refined Oil Analyst Zheng Mingya analyzed that the supply of oil markets tightened and China's stable growth policy "combined boxing" still brings support to the oil market, but on the other handEuropean and American economic data performance is lower than market expectations, and it still needs to pay attention to the Fed and the European Central Bank conference. On the whole, the high probability of international crude oil prices in the cycle will show a high level of fluctuations in the next cycle, and there is strong support at the bottom of oil prices.