China reports that the Youth unemployment rate in June reached a record high of 21.6%, the China National Development and Reform Commission said that it would highlight the employment of key groups such as college graduates.

At the July press conference held on Tuesday (July 18) of the National Development and Reform Commission, Jin Xiandong, director of the Policy Research Office of the Development and Reform Commission, said that the Development and Reform Commission will do their bestPolicy introduction and implementation of employment services and other tasks.

Jin Xiandong said that in June, the employment subject from 25 to 59 years old's labor unemployment rate was 4.1%, which was at a relatively low level.However, there are many factors that are currently influential of employment. There are many factors of unstable instability, and employment of young groups such as key groups, especially college graduates, is facing great pressure.

He said that the Development and Reform Commission will highlight the employment of key groups such as college graduates.In response to the difficulties faced by the employment of college graduates, the Development and Reform Commission will increase service and policy guarantee, strengthen the support of stabilizing posts, and fully release the vitality of youth innovation and entrepreneurship.

At the same time, it will also strengthen employment services for youth groups, in -depth operations of vocational education, education, education, and entertainment, and continue to promote the expansion of public vocational skills training to enhance the quality and improve the employment skills of the youth groups.

Jin Xiandong mentioned that the Development and Reform Commission will also enhance economic development to drive employment capabilities, focusing on macro -controls that strengthen employment priority, and do everything possible to stabilize growth, employment, and prices. At the same timeEssence