The first case of unmarried mothers applied for fertility allowances from Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province, China.

Sanxiang Metropolis Monday (July 17) quoted the Zhuzhou Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau reported that an unmarried mother in the city received a maternity allowance without a marriage certificate and quasi -student certificate.

It is reported that Qin Yun (pseudonym) of Zhuzhou's unmarried mother Qin Yun (a pseudonym) is overwhelming after applying for and receiving a maternity allowance in accordance with normal procedures.She said: "Being able to apply for maternity allowances normally as other mothers, which not only means an increase in economic subsidies for our single mothers, but also means that our women's fertility rights, the legitimate rights and interests of every mother and children are further further."Sales.

Before that, the insured person in Zhuzhou must provide a marriage certificate and a quasi -student certificate.

In order to promote the long -term balanced development of the population, support the implementation of the three -child policy to implement and do a good job in the guarantee of employees' maternity allowances.Decide on the spirit of the notice of the notice of the approval of maternity insurance benefits and the payment of "cross -provincial general management" work, and further simplify and optimize the service services.

The Zhuzhou Medical Security Bureau issued a notice on further standardizing the application of maternity insurance benefits to the medical insurance departments of the counties and cities in the city on July 12, which clearly stipulates that Zhuzhou maternity insurance treatment application materials are no longer needed.The wedding certificate and quasi -student certificate shall be implemented from the date of issuance of the notice to ensure that the city participants can enjoy the latest preferential policies in time.

Yuan Junwei, director of the Zhuzhou Municipal Medical Insurance Center, said that the introduction of new policies is not only conducive to releasing the willingness of fertility and reflecting the original intention of the fertility guarantee system.The goodwill and warmth of a childlike -friendly society.In the next step, the city's medical security system will further promote the application of maternity insurance benefits, optimize work measures, and make the people apply for maternity allowances more convenient and fast, and enhance the recognition and satisfaction of the people participating in the insurance.