(Beijing Comprehensive ") Extremely intensive weather, the temperature on Sunday, Xinjiang, northwestern China is as high as 52.2 degrees Celsius, and the flood disaster may occur in Guangxi in the southwest.

China News Agency reported that the observation of the automatic meteorological station in Sanbao Township, Gaochang District, Turpan City observed Sunday (July 16) at about 7 pm, recorded 52.2 degrees Celsius high temperature, breaking the high temperature pole value of the same period.

Agence France -Presse reported that the previous high temperature record in Xinjiang was 50.6 degrees Celsius in July 2017.

According to Reuters and Surging News, the China Meteorological Administration and the Ministry of Water Resources jointly issued the first red mountain flood disaster meteorological warning at 6 pm on Monday (July 17) at 6 pm.

It is reported that at 8:00 in the evening from 17th to 18th, there is a high possibility of flood disasters in parts of the south of Guangxi and other areas. It is an orange warning.It may be caused by the flood disasters due to the heavy duration of the local area.

The Chinese government has previously warned that extreme weather and various natural disasters will occur this summer.