Local political scenes have undergone negative news, which is a severe test for the Singaporean government, which has long been promised to govern the country for a long time.The political observer interviewed believes that the succession date of the Fourth -generation leadership team of the People's Action Party may be postponed.

Former official committee member Zulkifli Baharudin replied to the Lianhe Morning Post inquiring, he compared the DAP to a ship in a hull.He believes that New Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will want to solve the problem instead of letting go.

He said: "People don't want the captain to get off the boat midway. The executives of the DAP, including those who have faded out, must work together to solve these problems."

Think Tank and Consulting Company Solaris Strategies, senior analyst of international affairs, Dr. Mustafa Izzuddin, also said that although people do not know when the leadership is handed over, the transfer may be completely stable in the party's situation and stable.It happened after it came down.

Chen Qingwen, an associate professor of Yang Bangxiao Law School of Singapore Management University, analyzed that the DAP may have entered the stop loss model, but the repair of political status and legitimacy requires a longer period of time.

He pointed out, Lai Road Black and White House , Yi Huaren involved in greedy , Speaker Congress and Extramarital affairs retired from the party have occurred, and the DAP must prove to people that they can still be competent in Singapore's governance.

"Voters now tend to accept a diverse and competitive political pattern. The DAP must prove their ability, and the handover of the leadership is in the final stage, which means that the government looks fragile."

Chen Qingwen also believes that the DAP must almost have to pay the price in the next election. Although I do n’t know how seriously affect it, the support is likely to be obviously weakened.

As for how peach -colored news broke out on the same day, the perception of people's perception of local politics, Chen Qingwen pointed out whether the ruling party and the local main opposition party party have achieved their behavior standards for Singaporeans, which will cause people to be serious and reasonable.Questions.

He pointed out that how these two political parties handle these negative news will also affect the party.In 1959, the DAP, which started governing, was more risky, especially the recent development development involved the three cabinet ministers and speakers.

Chu Qifei believes that Singapore's founding of the country has set a very high moral standard for political positions, which may make it difficult for people today. This is why some people are in trouble.

He pointed out that although it is not said that the standards should be reduced, the high standards will be more open and free with the society, and more violations will occur.However, at present, both the DAP government and the public still want to maintain this high standard.

Chu Qifei said that people cannot accept these negative things, and the DAP cannot tolerate it."All parties feel that these things are unacceptable. It is good to have such a reaction. Singapore's politics is still solid."

Chen Chuanren and Zhong Lihui resigned from the seats at the current five sets of constituency teams incomplete

With Chen Chuanren and Zhong Lihui resigned as the seats, Singapore currently has five sets of constituency teams incomplete, namely Jurong, Marin Billle, Tambinni, West Coast, and Workers' Party.

Chen Qingwen does not think that Li Xianlong will hold the Lightning Election, nor will he respond in a re -election.He said: "The DAP is now very fragile. Before seeking another public opinion commission, the Prime Minister hopes to stabilize the grassroots first and let the internal order return to normal."

Mustaha pointed out that there is still some time before the next election, the DAP and Workers' Party will not make a decision, but the situation in front of the eyes has become quite unstable.Make sure the two parties have the best opportunity to retain the current seat.

Chu Qifei's view is that people will definitely ask if the Action Party has "softened". For the opposition party, it will measure it with the same standards.These issues will definitely be raised during the election, and the political parties must respond.

He believes that when the election is held is not so important."Whether it is six months or one year, these problems are still related and cannot be avoided."