Hou Youyi, the presidential candidate of the Kuomintang, reportedly visited Japan at the end of this month and met with former Japanese Prime Minister Ako Taro.

According to the Taiwan United Daily News on Tuesday (July 18), Hou Youyi is expected to go to Japan from July 31st to August 2nd, and will be two mayor and presidential candidates from New Taipei and presidential candidates from July 31st,Visit.Hou Youyi is expected to visit senior Japanese officials, participate in the overseas Chinese banquets held on August 1, and meet with Makotaro.Because the Taiwan election is in full swing, Hou Youyi has only been arranged for three days, and the schedule will be mainly Tokyo.

At the same time, Hou Youyi team is also arranging Hou Youyi to visit the United States, but the time point has not been determined.Hou Youyi hopes to meet with Deputy Secretary of State in the United States this time. Since the United States has explained that they will treat all Taiwan candidates equally, Hou camp believes that Hou Youyi can see the Vice Secretary of State in visiting the United States.There is a lot to do with the visits to the United States.

A person in the blue camp also revealed that if Hou Youyi was influenced by Lai Qingde's visit to the United States, he could not see Deputy Secretary of State, and he could prove that the United States would be "fair" and would not have a negative impact on Hou Youyi.The official level and identity of the officials seemed to affect the highest level officials they saw when Hou Youyi visited the United States.

It is understood that the annual budget of New Taipei City's 2023 annual budget has been included in Hou Youyi's visit to the budget.However, the Hou camp was unwilling to confirm at the time; however, the Hou camp had confirmed that Hou Youyi would visit the United States in the fall of this year, and the relevant itinerary was still planned.

In response to this, Hou Youyi said in an interview on Tuesday that the visits to Japan and the United States are currently being arranged. If you arrange it, you will give you a report.