Following Jiangxi and Chongqing canteen mouse head incident last month last month.Later, a gum -made foreign body appeared in the meals of a school cafeteria in Guangzhou, China, but the school was determined that it was "duck eyeball film".

According to Jimu News, a student was eaten in a cafeteria meal during a vocational school in Guangzhou on Monday (July 17) in a vocational school in Guangzhou, suspecting that it was a condom.

The school staff responded to the Jimphisya that night that after preliminary investigation, the eyeball film of the foreign body duck had retained relevant samples and explained to parents and students.

A reply letter from the school shows that the school has accountable for all kitchen employees and deduct money for penalties, and will be expelled from the chefs involved.The school will also set up a special group for internal investigation, including tracking raw material supply chains, investigating possible operating errors and inspection canteen processes.The foreign body is recognized as "duck eyeball film".

The publication of the Zengcheng District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Guangzhou City issued a report on Tuesday (18th), saying that relevant media reported that foreign bodies were found in the cafeteria of the subordinate institutions of Huasi Science and Education Investment Co., Ltd.The relevant departments of the district and the local town streets conducted investigations.

The Municipal Supervision Bureau of Zengcheng District said that it has been ordered to close the cafeteria and pay close attention to the physical condition of dining training trainees.Related samples have been properly sealed and transferred to third -party authoritative agencies for testing.

The cafeteria of the Jiangxi Institute of Technology Vocational and Technical College also exposed a "rat head duck neck" incident last month. After the school and the local municipal regulatory bureau were identified as duck necks, after many days of public opinion fermentation, Jiangxi Province was established.The investigation team finally determined that the foreign body was a mouse head.

The suspected mouse head was also ate last month in the box lunch of Xiushan County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Chongqing. The local official investigation quickly reported that it was true that eating a mouse head is true.