The Speaker of the Congress Chen Chuanren exploded an extramarital affair scandal, and the object was Zhong Lihui, who was also a member of the People's Action Party.The two have retired from the party, and Chen Chuanren also resigned from the position of Speaker.

Li Xianlong, Secretary -General of the DAP, issued a statement at 1 pm on Monday (July 17) saying that in order to maintain high standards for the DAP for many years, it is necessary to retire the party with high standards for character and personal behavior.He has accepted the resignation of the two and attached a letter of contact with him.

Although the statement did not mention extramarital affairs, the Prime Minister mentioned in a letter to Chen Chuanren that Chen Chuanren acknowledged that his personal behavior was not appropriate.

The Prime Minister held a press conference in the Presidential Palace on the same day to confirm that in addition to the recent outsiders of Chen Chuanren, the term loses the etiquette of Congress and has an improper relationship with Zhong Lihui.

"In contrast, I think this is a more serious thing, because he is the Speaker, she is a parliament, and should not have this relationship."

Chen Chuanren (54 years old) married and two children.He is a member of the Marin Baili settlement constituency and is responsible for Jingwankan -Caishi partition affairs.Zhong Lihui (47 years old) is unmarried and is a member of the Tamletni settlement district, responsible for Tamletni East Division.

New Prime Minister Li Xianlong, the Secretary-General of the People's Action Party, held a press conference in the Presidential Palace to confirm that Congress Speaker Chen Chuanren and Zhong Lihui, who was also a party member of the DAP, had an improper relationship.After several persuasion, the two continued the relationship.(Photo by Cai Jiazeng)

Prime Minister revealed at the press conference that he had persuaded Chen Chuanren and Zhong Lihui to change more than once in the press conference. The last time was February this year.Chen Chuanren acknowledged that he was wrong and resigned.

Prime Minister said: "I accept his resignation, but I told him that I must first ensure that the residents of Jingwanshi, Caicheng and Tamletonidong continue to take care of it."

The Prime Minister also warned Chen Chuanren to end his relationship with Zhong Lihui.However, the Prime Minister recently learned new information, which strongly showed that the relationship continued, "this is completely unacceptable."As a result, the Prime Minister decided that regardless of whether the transfer arrangement of the selection area is ready, Chen Chuanren must immediately resign and not wait.

About the same time, Chen Chuanren spread the videos of a dismissal of Congress. He was abroad at the time.After Chen Chuanren returned to China, the Prime Minister asked him that Chen Chuanren agreed to resign immediately when he discussed.

Prime Minister said that Chen Chuanren left politics in this case, but Chen Chuanren understood that he had to be responsible for his actions and ethics, and was responsible for Congress, DAP, voters and family members.

The media asked Chen Chuanren's improper relationship between Chen Chuanren and Zhong Lihui how long it lasted. The Prime Minister said that he learned about this shortly after the 2020 election, but he did not know when the relationship between the two began.Since then, both have been persuaded and counseled, hoping that the two can turn back, but unfortunately the two have not ended the relationship.

Zhou also retired from the party because of the peach -colored scandal, and some public believed that the DAP standards had declined.The Prime Minister responded that any system could not be lost.

"You are responsible. Sometimes, things will be wrong. You must find and correct, and you must find and correct yourself, no matter whether anyone tells you something wrong."

Prime Minister said that the two actors of the DAP have not met the high standards they expect all the DAP members in terms of morality and personal behavior, which distressed him.As the party secretary of the party, he has the responsibility to deal with and correct members who fail to meet the standards, including persuasion, correction, and commandment, and when necessary, they will be expelled from the DAP and Congress.

The Prime Minister said: "Doing this to our friends and comrades is distressed, and it is politically embarrassing and costly. But the DAP must maintain the party's discipline and behavior standards.The people are responsible, this is the most important. "

The Prime Minister of the Congress in August will issue a statement of minister

The leading minister of the Marin Billle Constituency is currently the Minister of Human Manpower, Dr. Chen Shilong, and Tang Zhenhui, the Minister of Culture, Community and Youth.The Prime Minister said that the residents of Jingwanan -Cai City Division were taken care of by Tang Zhenhui, and the residents of Tamletni East District were taken care of by Ma Shangao, the Minister of Social and Family Development.

Chen Chuanren is the second speaker who retired from the party and resigned due to extramarital affairs after the former Bang East East District Councilor Bermer.Chen Chuanren stepped into politics in 2011 and was optimistic about the core figure of the fourth -generation team.He left the cabinet in 2017 and served as speaker.