Chinese official Monday (July 17) met with former Philippine President Duterte, who said that the development of China and the Philippines is rooted in the surrounding environment of good -neighborly and friendly, and emphasized that China and the Philippines will jointly promote two.The relationship between the country is stable and far away.

According to CCTV News, China officially met with former Philippine President Duterte at the Diaoyutai State Guest House on Monday afternoon.Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Committee Office, also participated in the meeting.

China officially pointed out that during the President of the Philippines, Duteers, in accordance with the attitude of being responsible to the people and responsible for history, resolutely made a strategic choice to improve the relationship between China.National friendly exchanges have made important contributions.

He said that China and the Philippines are also developed countries in Asia. The development of the two countries is rooted in the surrounding environment of good -neighborly and friendly, and it is rooted in a win -win Asian family in cooperation.China pursues the peripheral diplomatic concepts of sincere and good, and has always adhered to the neighbors and the neighbors.

China officially emphasized that China always attaches great importance to China -Philippine relations and is willing to work with the Philippines to promote the stability of China -Philippine relations.It is hoped that Duterte will continue to play an important role in friendly cooperation between the two countries.

In a press release released by China, Duterte said that the development of friendly relations between the Philippines and China is in line with the interests of the people of the two countries and is also the wish of most Philippine people.He is willing to continue to play a role in promoting the friendship between the Philippines.

This is the first visit to China after Duterte stepped down in the Philippines last June.While serving as the President of the Philippines, he visited China five times, but never visited the United States once.At the official invitation of China, Duterte visited China for the fifth time from August 28 to September 2, 2019.

The new President of the Philippines President President Macos visited China in January this year and was the first foreign leader received by China this year.Chinese officials emphasized during the talks with Magaks that China and the Philippines are both developing countries in Asia. The development of the two countries is rooted in the surrounding environment of the good -neighborly and friendly, and it is rooted in a win -win Asian family in cooperation.China is willing to focus on cooperation and development with the Philippines and other Asianima (China -called ASEAN) countries, maintain the central position of Asia Gyeongan in regional cooperation, promote the shadow of the Cold War, avoid corporate confrontation, and continue to become a highland for development and prosperity.