Chinese media exposed the death of a dozen workers in Shanxi's mining enterprises, the Shanxi Provincial Government issued the provisions of curbing mining enterprises to conceal accidents.In the same, about 920,000 yuan) fines.

According to the surging news on Monday (July 17), the General Office of the Shanxi Provincial Government issued a method of curbing mining enterprises to conceal production safety accidents, promoting the province's mining enterprises in accordance with laws and regulations to report production in accordance with laws and regulations.Safety accident.This method stipulates that a mining company that has been verified to conceal the accident and impose a fine of 1 million yuan or more than 5 million yuan.

The method requires that the suspected concealment accident reports that have been accepted are immediately organized and verified by the relevant departments directly responsible for safety supervision.If the report is verified, the reporter reward in accordance with relevant regulations; if the report is not true, the verification is not true, and it will be clarified within a certain scope and protects the legitimate rights and interests of the reported person in accordance with the law.

The method is clear. If the mining enterprise conceals the accident, the mining enterprises and its legal representatives, the main person in charge, the actual controller, and other relevant personnel are included in the safety production field.The mining enterprise office was fined 1 million yuan or less, 5 million yuan; a fine of 60%to 100%of the annual income of the main responsible person, the direct responsible persons in charge, and the other direct responsible persons.

If the concealment accident constitutes a violation of public security management, the public security organs shall be punished by public security management according to law; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law.In addition, since the execution of the punishment or from the date of punishment, it is not allowed to serve as the main person in charge of any production and operation unit within five years; if they are responsible for major and particularly major production safety accidentspeople.

Shanxi Province also released a mining enterprise suspected to conceal the verification of production safety accidents and requires the verification of mining companies suspected of concealing the accident."the rules.

China News Weekly reported at the end of June that the death and concealment incident of the miner's miner from Chengcheng County, Xinzhou, Shanxi.According to reports, in more than ten years, the mining company has reported many mining difficulties, and the death of at least ten miners has not been reported.After the incident was exposed, the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China will be reserved to deal with the incident investigation.Provincial investigation teams to accelerate the promotion of relevant verification and evidence collection.