The single consultation text of the South China Sea Code completed the second reading, reflecting the political will of all parties in the consultation process.

Singapore Foreign Minister Vivian, Singapore Foreign Minister, who participated in the Asia Gyeenal Foreign Minister's meeting and a series of conferences at Jakarta, Indonesia, summarized the itinerary on Friday (July 14) and expressed the above views.

"The statement from the internal and Asianan -China Expansion Foreign Minister's meeting can be clearly seen. Everyone has a common commitment to reach a substantial and effective code for the South China Sea.Everyone formulates the United Nations Marine Law Convention on the right to navigation and flight ... I think everyone has the willingness to move forward. "

A member states of Ya'an and China launched a formal consultation of the South China Sea Conduct in March 2018. In August of the same year, a single consultation text was reached, and a draft read was completed at the end of July 2019.

Weiwen said that before the crown disease epidemic, all parties have made progress.However, after the epidemic was coming, the consultation representatives could not meet the entity, and the progress slowed down.The parties resumed physical negotiations in May last year.

"Crown disease lets us see that it is a good thing to meet through video, but it cannot replace the physical meeting. We need a physical meeting, shake hands with each other, look at each other, try to accurately evaluate where the red line is, and what are the ones.Where to achieve consensus. "

However, Weiwen pointed out that it has been more than 20 years since the signed declaration of the South China Sea, which is not binding in 2002, which shows the complexity of the South China Sea project.

He said that Singapore is not a sovereign country, but as a city country, promoting the peace and stability of the South China Sea conforms to Singapore's interests, Singapore will do its best to promote the negotiations of the South China Sea Conduct, and play the role of the construction significance of the construction of the construction of the construction of the construction of the construction of the construction of the construction of the construction.And encourage consultation to achieve positive results.