In order to retaliate with colleagues to dinner to the kindergarten, he poisoned in the kindergarten, causing 25 celebrities to poison. One of the children Wang Yun, a younger master of Henan Jiaozuo, who rescued the ineffective death, was executed on Thursday (July 13).

According to the surging news report, the execution of the death penalty posted by the Jiaozuo Intermediate People's Court shows that Wang Yun, a criminal of criminals in dangerous substances and intentional injury cases.Essence

The announcement stated that Wang Yun was dissatisfied with her husband due to life trivial in 2017. If he wants to implement revenge, he purchased a bag of sodium nitrite online.Wang Yun put some sodium nitrite in the husband's cup, causing nitrite poisoning after drinking water, and the degree of damage was minor injury.

On March 26, 2019, Wang Yun decided to implement revenge during the work of "Meng Meng Meng Preschool Education" in kindergarten.Sodium nitrite is carried into kindergarten.

Wang Yun took advantage of the kindergarten kitchen, and put sodium nitrite in the eight treasure porridge of the middle class, which caused 25 people to have symptoms of nitrite poisoning after eating eight treasure porridge.

Among them, a five -year -old boy had multiple organ failure due to nitrite poisoning. After 10 months of rescue, he was unfortunately healed on January 28, 2020.In addition, the degree of injury of 21 people was identified as a secondary of minor injuries, and the degree of damage of the two people was minor injuries. The degree of injury of one person could not be slightly injured.

In September 2020, the Jiaozuo Intermediate People's Court sentenced Wang Yun to death in the first instance of the dangerous substance and deprived of political rights for life;Political rights for life.Wang Yun refused to agree to appeal. He was rejected by the Henan Provincial Higher People's Court's final judgment, upheld the original judgment, and reported to the Supreme People's Court for approval in accordance with the law.

The criminal Wang Yun was sentenced to death by the Supreme People's Court and deprived of political rights for life.The Jiaozuo Intermediate People's Court followed the death penalty order issued by the President of the Supreme People's Court. On July 13, 2023, the criminal Wang Yunzhi was expressed to the execution ground to perform the death penalty.

After the post was posted, the parents of the victims told the media that he also learned from the court that the execution of the death penalty was also said that after many years, the family members' WeChat groups were still there, and sometimes they would understand each other.Essence

"2019 Henan Jiaozuo Children's Display Case" has attracted widespread concern that year. After Wang Yun's death penalty was executed on Friday (July 14) on Weibo, netizens said that"The heart of the people" means that she is too vicious to start with disadvantaged groups such as children.Some netizens believe that the death penalty for more than four years is too long.