(Beijing/Shanghai Comprehensive News) A senior official of the Central Bank of China said on Friday (July 14) that the People's Bank of China will use policy tools such as the deposit reserve ratio and the convenience of medium -term borrowing.Policy tools.This shows that China may take more actions in the second half of the year in response to the challenges facing the economic situation.

Comprehensive Reuters and First Financial Network reported that Zou Lan, director of the Monetary Policy Department of the People's Bank of China, said at the press conference that the subsequent China Central Bank will use the economic and price situation to "comprehensively use the deposit reserve ratio, medium -term medium term,A variety of monetary policy tools such as loan convenience and public market operations. "

After the rapid recovery of the first quarter, the momentum of China's economic recovery has slowed down, and it has improved the expectations of China in the second half of the year.Zou Lan said that in recent years, China has insisted on implementing a stable and normal monetary policy, sufficient policy space, rich policy tools, and responding to various new challenges and changes.

He said, "If necessary, you can create new policy tools to provide accurate financial support for key areas and weak links in the stage of high -quality development."

The People's Bank of China also hinted that or further relaxes real estate regulation.Zou Lan said that considering the profound changes in supply and demand in the real estate market, real estate policies have room for "marginal optimization".

Regarding the outside world concerns that China is on the edge of currency tightening, Liu Guoqiang, vice president of the People's Bank of China, said at the press conference that there is no deflation in China at present, and there will be no risk of shrinkage in the second half of the year.

He urged the outside world to maintain patience, saying that the current challenges facing China's economy belong to the normal phenomenon in the process of economic recovery after the epidemic.

Since the beginning of this year, the exchange rate of the RMB against the US dollar has fallen by more than 3%. Liu Guoqiang also warned investors not to speculate the RMB, reiterated the policy goals of the Central Bank of China to maintain the stability of exchange rates.Avoid exchange rates. "

Liu Guoqiang told the media that the RMB exchange rate will not have "unilateral cities", and they will still maintain two -way fluctuations and dynamic balance. It is emphasized that the People's Bank of China has accumulated rich experience in response in the process of responding to multiple rounds of external shocks in recent years.Pointed policy tool reserves, "neither no power, nor too Buddhist department."