Chinese officials have vigorously introduced parenting subsidies, encouraging childcare subsidies, and giving birth to baby more.At the time of the measures, the tide of "having children" is more and more intense.

From the beginning of the accusations and criticism of the noise on "bear children", it has now risen to the extreme discussion of "children who can't control it" and "why not feed sleeping pills"."It seems to be the new vane of" political correctness "in China, and it has also become a traffic password that has received greater attention on the Internet.

From "complaint bear children" to "rectify bear children"

Chinese netizens have discussed the improper behavior of "bear children" in public places in public places have become hot topics in recent years, especially high -speed rail and subwayAnd closed spaces such as aircraft are even more severely disaster -stricken areas.

The improper behavior of the complaints is mostly the child's "kicking back for three minutes on the plane", or "crying on the high -speed rail for more than half an hour", and parents do not accept these complaints.Will refute, some even take care of the shorts, the two sides scolded the battle, and the relevant videos quickly rushed to the hot search.

Under the pressure of such public opinion, some parents have begun to "rescue themselves", such as preparing a snack and noise reduction earplug for each passenger before boarding.A quality and conscious parent is full of sincerity.

有家长登机前给每Passengers prepared snacks and noise reduction earplugs to get praise from netizens.(Internet)

Such intimate behavior is naturally well received, and was once praised by the Chinese officials of the Chinese officials.But it has also triggered the anxiety and controversy of other parents: Is it a kind of original sin with children traveling?If you don't do enough homework, will you not be worthy of travel?

With these concerns and questions, the definition of "bear children" in public opinion is also further generalized, including infants and young children who cannot control themselves.Create contradictions and cause controversy.

In April of this year, two women quarreled fiercely in the high -speed rail compartment that drove to Chongqing.Pregnant women can't sleep.The pregnant woman's phrase "You have a child are too bad", which triggered the return of Bao Ma's "you are a pregnant woman", let this quarrel upgrade and expand, and become the "case" of the comments of major media.

An Internet citizen broke the news that he encountered a child crying throughout the process on the high -speed rail. A passenger reminded the parents to control the child, but the parents argued that they had told the child and explained that they would get out of the car immediately.It was under the question of the guy's fire and fire and the child's noise. The parents finally said with a lingering: "Then I killed him?" - This sentence also made this video successfully appear on the day of Weibo hot search on the same day.Essence

Some parents questioned the passengers in a row and questioned the passengers.Under the fascination with the child, he said with a lust: "Then I will kill him (child)?"There are more extreme wording and expression such as "100 methods to rectify bear children", "Don't go out", "Do not go out", "Eat sleeping pills for children".

There are really "hate children"?

Some media quoted that "childishness" is a kind of high incidence of interpersonal communication obstacles in unmarried young people, usually manifested as children to childrenAviation and rejection can be further developed into things that cannot tolerate children, and the abandonment of children at the same time will also affect the concept of fertility.

Chinese media Phoenix Weekly Monday (July 10) with young people who do not have children, they are increasingly "hate".Once the atmosphere of nourishing children is enhanced, the danger of further suppression of fertility will be further suppressed.

The article also pointed out that the current environment is too harsh to parents who have traveling with young children, and questioned: "Why do you have a child?"

The new weekly magazine will beThe hat of "hate", young people do not recognize the response above that there is no evidence that there is a direct connection with the unmarried and unborn and "hate children".When the light people said "hate children", they were tired of the "bear parents" who were noisy about "bear children".

The article also believes that in public places, "encountering bear children" and "how to cure bear children" sharing, in most cases, content entertainment is greater than practicality. The picture is emotional venting.And attract traffic.

Although the so -called "childishness" in society is not ruled out that the result of being put on the flow of flow, the more harsh situation in the real life is real.

Weibo big V, writer Su Xiaozhu last Thursday (July 6) said on Weibo that a little baby in a train carriage in Sichuan is only eight months old, because it has issued a cricketYeah's voice was questioned by the passenger "too noisy", and was eventually "invited" by the flight attendant to the cale carriage.

On another train set off in Taiyuan, the infants and young children are required to cry in the radio.. "

Some parents cried under her Weibo that the voice of the child had no sound of calling by an adult man next to her.

Can the problem of "hate" be solved?

In response to the noise of high -speed rail, many people have suggested to set up children's compartments to separate children's and public spaces.Nanjing previously released a survey on "Do you support the train to set up a child's carriage" showed that 91.4%of people support settings.

South Korea, which is even more serious in "children", has appeared in restaurants and places of "NO KIDS" (rejected children) as early as 2012. According to reports, there are about 542 places such as South Korea.This does not include places where children do not allow children to enter.

This method of separating children's separation now also appears in Yunnan, Qingdao and other places in China.In the precautions, the family suite of the hotel states that "the room type cannot carry children to stay."

But the physical segmentation method of one -size -fits -all is also criticized too simple and rude, making the two groups of "baby" and "no baby" more opposite.

It is also "one -size -fits -all" and the new measures issued by Shanghai Disney on May 31 this year: Do not bring any sizes of children's wild camps into the park.

The camping vehicle was due to excessive volume.Netizens complained that Taizai Road, Shanghai Disney stipulated that it is not allowed to bring children's wild camps into the park from June 30.(Internet)

Earlier, the camping vehicle was complained by netizens because of the large volume, but for more than two babies, the camping vehicle was a real "baby artifact".The two camps therefore fought multiple rounds on social media "Little Red Book".

The ban on Shanghai Disney has won a lot of praise from netizens, but for Dawa families, there is noProvide another option.

There is no room for choosing more than wild camps. For a four -year -old boy mother, because she wants to go to the toilet, without anyone else to accompany or the family toilet, I have to take the boy to the women's toilet.As a result, he was accused of not being educated, and even questioned that the boy had no intention, but few people asked why there were so few family bathrooms?

The official Weibo of the Chinese official media China News Agency's "State is through traffic" last Wednesday (July 5) commented calling: "Bear children must manage, and the kinisome is also controlled."The article pointed out that children's conservation is not only the responsibility of children's parents, but also the common responsibility of the whole society.

The article also said that Dink, non -Tuck, children, and no children should not be a camp to be a child or child.Whether it is a crying baby or an old man, you need the care and tolerance of the backbone of the backbone of the society.

Weibo big V "Fantasy Mad Mr. Liu" last Monday (July 3) published an article on the southern weekend and pointed out that having to have children, leaving no descendants is the freedom of fertility choices.However, people are the sum of all social relations. Even if a person is young, he should be good at good. This is not a simple exchange exchange, but a social responsibility: her life in her later years cannot rely on the young of others.

This big V also published a document in May this year, behind the analysis of the "babies" and "true baby" on the back of the "boss", because "giant baby" and "bear children" are inPsychological characteristics, thinking methods and behavioral patterns are similarities.The article is concerned that if more and more adults in the physiological sense do not have the psychological quality of adults, they will become giant babies and start the same on -.", But" survival. "

Chinese official media appealed to children's conservation conservationNot only the responsibility of a child's parents, but also the common responsibility of the whole society.(Xinhua News Agency)

Like other countries, China has also been burnt on the declined fertility rate in recent years.Although the official has across the second child to encourage three -child within five years, and various places have also launched policies such as parenting subsidies and house purchase discounts in various places, from the perspective of data, the results are not significant.

China's official 2021 proposed that 100 children's friendly cities will be carried out in five years.From the current situation, whether in the improvement of hardware facilities or the tolerance of public opinion, there is still a lot of distance from children's friendly society.