A Shangting in Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, China, was fined 5,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 925) for illegal costs for illegal regulations.

According to the surging news report, the Putuo Mountain Branch of the Zhoushan Market Supervision Bureau announced on Friday (July 14) to announce a number of cases of illegal tourism market.It is reported that it includes a case of selling goods in addition to the price in addition to the price of Shang Ting.According to reports, when Mantong 179 Fayu Road, Putuo Mountain Town, when the sale price was a 10 -barrel of 10 yuan, Master Kang Beef Noodle, which actually charged consumers at 15 yuan, of which 5 yuan was hot water brewing service costs.

After investigation, the Shang Pavilion did not mark the above hot water brewing service costs at its operating place.The market supervision department of Zhoushan City believes that the above behavior violates the provisions of Article 13, paragraph 2 of the Price Law of the People's Republic of China.

According to the provisions of Article 13 (3) of the administrative penalties of price violations, the Putuo Mountain Branch of the Zhoushan Market Supervision and Administration Bureau shall impose a fineAdministrative penalties of 5,000 yuan.

In addition to the exceptions of the above cases, the case of violations of tourism market announced by the market supervision department of Zhoushan City also involves illegal acts such as raising prices, unclear prices, shorts of short pounds, price fraud, and false publicity.

Among them, Putuo Mountain, Zhoushan City, the seafood "red fish" (scientific name "eye spots" first fish "in the store, similar to the big yellow croaker)Consumers are sold and recorded on the ordering menu are yellow croaker.In the package sold by Meituan, the "green onion oil yellow croaker" actually uses sea bass or small plum fish.

After investigation, Putuo Mountain's House has not been purchased in the beginning of 2023, and has not purchased breeding big yellow croakers and wild big yellow croakers as dishes.The market supervision department of Zhoushan City determined that if its behavior constitutes false propaganda, a fine of 150,000 yuan is imposed.

In the process of selling seafood, another Putuo Mountain Golden Chao Hotel uses the number of products provided by exaggerated products (shorts of short pounds), as well as using deception, misleading language, text, numbers, etc.And other price information, tricked consumers to trade with them and was fined more than 100,000 yuan.