In the video of the Internet, a little boy in Shanxi, China was forced to eat feces. The local official reported that the implementation of the bullies was three minors.Has been reached.

According to the surging news Monday (July 3), in the online video, a little boy sat on the ground with a stool in his hand, and a cough and retching sound was made after eating.A sound asked the little boy to "swallow."Later, the bullying person threatened the little boy in the way, and only heard the little boy saying "No, no, don't use it, I eat" in the video.

Related videos were spread on the Internet on June 30, causing dissatisfaction among Chinese netizens. The relevant entries once appeared on the Sina Weibo hot search list.

The Shanxi Jinzhong Intermediary Shimba Online Information Office on Saturday (July 1) issued a notification through the official Weibo of the Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China Jiexiu Municipal Party Committee, saying that the incident occurred on June 17Near the Changtai Garden Community in Zhanglan Village, three minors bullying a minor and published the video on the network platform.

Notice said that in response to this, the public security organs had filed a case to severely criticize and educate the implementation of bullyers and their parents, ordered parents to score in their children and apologize to the bullied people and parents.At the same time, the education department has arranged psychological counseling teachers to conduct psychological guidance on the victims of the incident and eliminate negative negative impacts on their psychological health as soon as possible.

According to reports, parents of both parties have reached a settlement.

The notice also said that in the future, it will further strengthen the education and management of minors to prevent similar incidents. It is hoped that netizens will not spread related pictures and videos to avoid secondary damage to the victims.