(Beijing Comprehensive News) In response to the Dutch incorporating some semiconductor manufacturing equipment into export control, the Ministry of Commerce of China called on the Netherlands not to abuse export control measures and accused the United States of conspiracy to pose other countries to implement semiconductor targets.

The News Office of the Ministry of Commerce of China passed the official website on Saturday (July 1) to respond to the question of the Dutch semiconductor export control in the form of a reporter.

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce of China said that China and the Netherlands have carried out multi -level and multi -frequency communication and negotiations on the issue of semiconductor export control in recent months.Essence

A spokesman called for the Netherlands to set off from maintaining international economic and trade rules and the overall situation of China -Dutch economic and trade cooperation, respect the market principles and contract spirit, do not abuse export control measures, effectively safeguard the common interests of Chinese and Netherlands and both parties, and safeguard the supply of the global semiconductor industry chain.The chain is stable.

Bloomberg reported that the Dutch government announced on Friday (June 30) that new export control measures for some advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment means that the Dutch semiconductor equipment manufacturing giant ASML (ASML) must obtain a permit in orderThe model of deep ultraviolet light carvings (DUV) is sold to China.The measure will take effect on September 1.

Asley is the leader of the global semiconductor photocriders, and its optical carvings are one of the most important links in the semiconductor supply chain.Prior to this, Acemai's most precise machine pole extremely ultraviolet light carvings (EUV) had been restricted to China.

The United States issued measures in October last year to restrict US companies' export semiconductor manufacturing equipment to China, which aims to curb the development of the Chinese chip industry.The United States reached an agreement with the Netherlands and Japan in January this year to further expand its restrictions on China's exported advanced semiconductor manufacturing machines.

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce of China accused that in recent years, in order to safeguard its own global hegemony, the United States has continuously generalized the concept of national security, abused export control measures, and even sacrificed the interests of the allies, coerced the implementation of semiconductors for other countries to surge in China.Artificially promoting industrial decoupling chain, seriously damage the development of the global semiconductor industry.