It is rumored to be a master's degree from Renmin University of China stealing photos and personal information of the school, and disclosed these personal information on the website to check the scores.The school responded that it had noticed the matter and contacted the police as soon as possible.

According to the surging news report, a duty personnel at the school office of Renmin University of China said on Sunday (July 2) that the school has paid attention to the above incident and has been in contact with the police for the first with.

据极目新闻此前报道,有网民星期六(7月1日)在微博上爆料称,中国人民大学一男生在读硕士研究生期间,利用专业技术盗取全校学生个人信息,包括After the photos, names, school numbers, nationality, birthday, etc., a website claims to be scored for students to score for students.

Network information shows that the stolen students' information includes photos, names, school numbers, nationality, etc. This information is public on the website.

The Weibo netizens posted above also said that the graduate was a 2015 undergraduate student in the School of Information of Renmin University of China, and the 2019 graduate student of the Gaoming School of Artificial Intelligence.

The school previously responded that the school leaders were leading the matter, and the content of the online transmission was verified.