Guangzhou intends to strengthen the control measures for electric bicycles and implement restrictions on multiple roads and time periods, causing citizens to react.Some people agree that severe measures will solve the chaos of traffic from the roots of trouble, and some people worry that measures will affect people's daily travel and livelihood.

Interviewed experts believe that it is not scientific to blindly implement restricted measures. The key is to ensure that electric bicycles are feasible. It is recommended to accelerate repair, improve non -motorized lanes, and re -assign road rights.

The Guangzhou Municipal Government of Guangdong Province drafted a notice on the management measures on electric bicycle traffic in early June this year and publicly solicited opinions from all walks of life.According to the announcement, many road sections in Guangzhou will be included in the limited area, including Tianhe District, Haizhu District, Yuexiu District, and Baiyun District.Essence

Restriction measures have aroused many netizens in society.Supporters believe that the huge number of electric bicycles occupy a lot of space, causing serious traffic congestion, and many knights are accustomed to challenging on motor lanes and sidewalks, not abide by the rules of traffic, and cause hidden safety hazards to the people.However, the opposition says that officials should limit the problem of traffic congestion, and they should limit private cars that occupy the larger space of the road, rather than first setting up the people at the bottom of the society.

In response to citizens' doubts, the traffic management department mentioned in a response that "((electric bicycles)) have far exceeded the existing road traffic and parking resources bearing capacity in Guangzhou.Wait a great impact. "

The current affairs commentator who pays attention to traffic issues for a long time and former member of the Guangzhou Municipal Committee of the CPPCC, Han Zhipeng, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the control measures are designed to ensure traffic safety, orderly, and unobstructed, and to ensure the safety of the lives and property of traffic participants.He said: "In the past year or two, the traffic chaos and safety accidents caused by electric bicycles have been largely caused by unmanned control, and ordinary people have also complained."

Data show that in 2022, the Guangzhou Traffic Police investigated and dealt with more than 1.6 million traffic violations such as electric bicycle retrograde and red lights, including 189 traffic accidents.

As of the end of March 2023, the number of electric bicycles in Guangzhou was 3.22 million vehicles. The actual number may be close to 5 million units, and it is still growing rapidly.Relatively low -cost electric bicycles are the rigid needs of many at the bottom of Guangzhou citizens, and they are also the tools for takeaway and courier brothers.After the measures for the restrictions are effective, there are senders and merchants who are worried about their livelihood and business.

Guangzhou Huachenghui is one of the most affected commercial districts in the latest round of management measures.Ms. Tan, who runs a flower shop in the area, said in an telephone interview that 90%of the flowers in the store were delivered by the courier brother, and the roads around the business district will be listed as a limited area during the day.Electric bicycles stopped outside the area and walked in the store to pick up goods.

She said: "The entire process of back and forth may take half an hour, which will affect the efficiency of our shipments. Flowers may be easier to deteriorate in hot weather for a long time."

According to control measures, Tianhe East Road and Tianhe Road will implement electric bicycle restrictions on the morning and evening peaks.According to local media reports, there are many primary schools in Tianhe District, and many parents use electric bicycles to pick up children to go to school and school during this time. The peak period will bring them inconvenient to them.

Han Zhipeng believes that the specific limited section and time period can be refined and optimized.He said: "On this issue, the government must bow and listen to public opinion, such as picking up children to go to school and school, and should be opened on the Internet."

Guangzhou is expected to hold a hearing on the issue of electric bicycle restrictions on July 10.

Instead of implementing hard restrictions on electric bicycles, public opinion pointed out that Guangzhou can follow the practice of other first -tier cities in China. For example, Shenzhen will be divided into different levels according to actual needs.Essence

More people believe that the fundamental problem to solve the chaos of electric bicycles is to improve the construction of traffic infrastructure and set up independent non -motorized lanes.The Guangzhou Transportation Planning Research Institute analyzed that Guangzhou's non -motorized lane setting rate was only 32%, which was far lower than the level of 95%in Beijing and 90%in Shanghai.

However, for Guangzhou, where urban planning is mature, it is not a matter of overnight to transform the existing facilities.

In fact, the relevant functional departments of Guangzhou have been promoting the construction of non -motorized lanes in recent years.The official non -motorized lanes that were officially improved last year reached 547 kilometers, and 300 kilometers planned to be constructed or improved this year.

Han Zhipeng believes that the blind restriction measures are not scientific, but the key is how to ensure that electric bicycles are feasible and more road resources are allocated to non -motorized vehicles.

He said: "The right of the road has never been a car. At this stage, appropriate restrictions are necessary, but they still have to return to the people and regulate non -motor vehicles on the basis of their own ways."