The Chinese Official Media People's Daily (July 3) published a signature review article on the virtual human industry that the healthy growth of the virtual human industry depends on the two -wheel drive of technological innovation and regulatory escort.On the one hand, it is necessary to continue to break through in key core technologies, and on the other hand, data security, personal privacy protection and ethical risks extended extended from virtual human beings need to be considered simultaneously.

The article pointed out that in recent years, from entertainment media to fintech, the field of virtual human industries has continued to expand, and a large number of virtual persons have joined different positions, showing their skills.Relevant agencies predict that by 2030, the overall market size of China's virtual human industry will reach 270 billion yuan (RMB, about 10.3 billion yuan), becoming a new growth point for strengthening the digital economy.

The article said that as an anthropomorphic image created by digital technology, the reason why the virtual human industry can flourish is that the market demand is broad and the application scenarios are rich.From the perspective of the consumer, whether it is news broadcast, stage competition or life companionship, the virtual person that is "like -human" with tone, appearance, and posture can provide people with an immersive interactive experience of online and offline integration, and constantly meet people's right to right to right.The yearning for a better life.From the perspective of the enterprise, as an important digital asset of the enterprise, the virtual person with fast generating speed and low production cost can not only help enterprises reduce costs to increase efficiency and release productive forces, but also incubate thousands of faces according to the characteristics of different business and application scenarios.Digital employees provide customers with differentiated and personalized services and enhance market competitiveness.

The articles say that the pace of virtual application is accelerating, and it is also due to the continuous innovation of digital technology and the continuous improvement of the industrial chain.At present, China has basically formed a relatively complete virtual human industry ecology, and the virtual human industry generally shows a rapid development trend.As a new technology for the future, the healthy growth of the virtual human industry depends on the two -wheel drive of technological innovation and regulatory escort.

The article emphasizes that on the one hand, it is necessary to continue to break through key core technologies such as human -computer interaction, virtual reality and 3D display equipment.Transition, promote virtual human -human accelerated into the large -scale application period, and create greater value for the consumer market and corporate services.Relying on core technologies and core equipment, a large number of virtual human -deep integration of virtual human -deep integration of virtual human -deeply integrating thousands of industries will become a new productive forces for reshaping industries. Through more efficient industrial collaboration,Inject new kinetic energy into economic growth.

On the other hand, technological innovation enters the deep water area and cutting -edge zone, and the rule of law is the most reliable track.As a new format supported by a new generation of information technology, data security, personal privacy protection and ethical risks extended extended from virtual human -human -human -based on the rapid development of virtual human beings are considered.

The article recommends that relevant departments follow the needs of innovation, and timely and improve the compliance system to allow the virtual human industry to achieve healthy and standardized development on the track of the rule of law.

At the end of the article, the development of the digital economy is the general trend.With the booming development of new generation of information technology such as 5G, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality, in the future not far, virtual human beings are expected to become an interactive entrance to the digital world and the real world.Experience.