Guo Weimin, a spokesman for the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said that the situation facing China's development is still complicated and severe, the foundation of economic recovery is not firm, and emphasized that the expectations should be improved with substantial reform measures and boosting confidence.

Guo Weimin's press conference before the opening of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference on Friday (March 3), in response to questions about the prospects of China's economic recovery, pointed out that the current situation facing China's development is still complicated and severe, and the international political and economic situation continues to be turbulent.The spillover effect of major economies of policy adjustment has continued to appear, and the foundation of economic recovery is not firm.

Guo Weimin shouted to market confidence, emphasizing that China has a strong foundation in market size, industrial system, human resources, etc., with strong economic toughness, great potential, and dynamic.

China ’s economy increased by 3%in 2022, far below 5.5%of official goals.It is reported this month that China's economic growth target may be as high as 6 % this year to boost the confidence of investors and consumers.

At the end of last year, the CPC Central Committee's Economic Work Conference has clearly released a signal of fighting economy and increasing trust; Guo Weimin reiterated that China will put steady growth in the primary position in 2023 to achieve the effective improvement and reasonable growth of quality.Members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference suggested to improve the expectations with substantial reform measures, boost confidence, and focus on the tasks deployed by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference as soon as possible.

This year's reporter's question is highly focused on China's economic related issues. At the nearly half -hour press conference, nearly half of the questions are related to economic recovery, reform and opening up, private enterprises, and employment prospects.Guo Weimin also answered questions from Chinese and foreign media on the prevention of epidemic prevention policies, the Belt and Road Initiative, and cross -strait issues.

The college graduates reached 11 million new high skills and lack of vocational gaps

The convening of this conference marks the time of China's entry into the annual "two sessions" (the National People's Congress and the CPPCC Annual Meeting).This year's National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference will open at 3 pm on Saturday (March 4) and closed on the afternoon of March 11.

This year is a five -year change of the CPPCC National Committee. The period of this meeting is seven and a half days, one and a half days more than last year.

The number of graduates of Chinese universities this year will reach a new high of more than 11 million; in response to the questions of Lianhe Morning News about the employment prospects of young people, Guo Weimin said that the total pressure on the total employment of employment this year is indeed relatively large.The difference between the difference and the structural contradictions are also relatively prominent, and the employment still faces many difficulties and challenges.

But he emphasized that with the optimization and adjustment of epidemic prevention policies and the further implementation of various measures in the economy, the Chinese economy will continue to recover and provide solid support for stabilizing employment.

On cross -strait issues, Guo Weimin reiterated that Beijing adhered to peaceful reunification, the basic policy of one country, two systems, adhered to a Chinese principle and 1992 consensus, and resolutely opposed Taiwan independence division and foreign interference.

This year's two conference press conferences to restore face -to -face questions after a lapse of three years.After the outbreak in 2020, the press conferences of the two sessions were held to a video connection.

However, the press conference still retains the quarantine arrangements of previous years. The reporter received the hotel for nucleic acid testing and isolation the night before the press conference.

Guo Weimin did not continue to serve as the 14th National Committee. This year, he expected that he was the last spokesman for the CPPCC meeting.At the end of the press conference, he shocked his punch, and after a brief greetings with reporters, he slowly walked out of the press hall of the Great Hall of the People.