China further optimizes the housing provident fund policy in more places. Among them, the proportion of the first and second sets of housing provident fund loans drops to 20 %, and the amount of provident fund loan is raised to one million yuan (RMB, one new dollar is equal to RMB 5.3)wait.It is worth noting that the provident fund policy in first -tier cities such as Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Shenzhen has also introduced optimization measures.

According to Wang Qing, the chief macro analyst of Dongfang Jincheng quoted by the Securities Daily, the recent adjustment of the housing provident fund policy in many places in many places in the country is mainly due to the weakening of the property market in the second quarter.The real estate industry supports.A moderate optimization of housing provident fund policies within its own authority is in line with the principles of urban policies, which is conducive to supporting rigidity and improving housing needs. It is an important part of the current policy portfolio of various localities.

Reporting for example, the Bijie Housing Provident Fund Management Center of Guizhou Province issued six new measures to support the purchase of housing to purchase housing, including adjusting the maximum amount of loans, preferential policies to multiple children's families, and reducing the proportion of secondary houses for secondary houses., Support housing provident fund to deposit employees and improve the demand for house purchase.

Among them, in terms of reducing the proportion of the secondary house's down payment, the above measures pointed out that if the employee settled the first suite housing loan, the minimum down payment ratio of the purchase of the second house for the provident fund loan was adjusted from 30%to 20%to 20%; If the first house of the depositor is not clear for the commercial loan, the minimum down payment ratio of the personal housing provident fund loan of the second suite is 30%.

In addition to reducing the sub -payment ratio of the second suite, Lianyungang and other places have recently lowered the down payment ratio of the first house.On June 26, the Lianyungang Housing and Construction Bureau issued a notice on further promoting the steady and healthy development of the real estate market, reducing the proportion of housing provident fund loans.Specifically, if the family's family purchases the first house for the provident fund loan, the minimum down payment rate is adjusted from 30%to 20%.

In addition, the highest amount of provident fund loans in many places has also increased significantly.At present, among the first -tier cities, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen, etc. have proposed to increase the amount of provident fund loans for multi -children families.The Guangzhou Housing Provident Fund Management Center issued a notice on June 28. Families with two children and above (at least one child minor) use the housing provident fund loan to purchase the first self -occupied housing, and the maximum amount of housing provident fund loans floats by 30%.In addition, Shanghai implements a support policy for multi -children's household housing provident fund, and the best loan limit for families is 20%.

Wang Qing said that recently first -tier cities have continued to optimize policies and measures in terms of provident fund and other aspects, which will help reverse the weakening of the property market since May.More importantly, this releases the further increase of the property market policy, which will drive actively improving other second- and third -tier cities to guide the national real estate market as soon as possible to stabilize and recover.

It is reported that since this year, the support policy of house purchase support for the support policies has been introduced densely. Among them, optimizing the provident fund policy is one of the important means of supporting housing consumption in various places.Chen Wenjing, director of market research director of the middle finger research institute, pointed out that before the withdrawal of housing provident fund withdrawals, there were certain limitations, and policies such as the down payment and rent of the provident fund payment and rent, and the pilot of flexible employment funds in various cities have been introduced one after another, expanding the scope of use of the provident fund, reflecting the more localities in various places.Flexible, most urban provident fund policies still have room for continued improvement.

For the later outlook, Wang Qing believes that combined with localities to launch moderate relaxation restrictions on sales and restrictions, issuing house purchase subsidies, extending the time limit for land transfer payment, implementing "house tickets" resettlement, implementation of mortgage interest rate dynamic adjustment mechanismsIncrease support for provident fund purchases, and the central bank's continuous implementation of loan support plans for insurance delivery, etc. Recently, policies are increasing in the face of the real estate industry supply and the need for both ends.This can also be regarded as an integral part of "increasing macro policy regulation" to some extent.The intensity of subsequent real estate support policies is expected to further increase, of which the most critical to guide residential mortgage interest rates.