(New York News) As China comes out of the crown disease, the criminal activity that women in Vietnam, North Korea and other places have been traded to China are also resurrected.Analysis of human rights organizations, although Chinese officials have begun to crack down on population trading and repatriate traffic, many women will still be deceived by better lives and false work commitments.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States reported on Saturday (July 1) that the human rights organization believes that in the sedan over turning accident in Jingxi, Guangxi, Guangxi, Guangxi, a small town in China and Vietnam.Vietnamese women.In addition, in February this year, the Police from the Bohn Province of Vietnam destroyed the criminal gang of minor Vietnamese girls to China, which also showed that the population trading activities between the two countries increased again.

Earlier, China's strict epidemic prevention policies and the border between China and Vietnam had more than three meters high, which had almost disappeared such criminal activities.

Human Rights Watch, PHIL Robertson, deputy director of Asia in Thailand, said that there is still an imbalance in gender proportions in China, which can still make women's profits.Some people use false job opportunities to seduce women, and others are pretending to be potential boyfriends and invite girls to go to China together.

China ’s population census data in 2020 shows that in the age of 20 to 40, men are 17.5 million more men than women.Most of these men live in poor rural areas and are difficult to marry their wives, so they turn to "buying daughter -in -law".

In the past, the brides who were trafficked often came from poverty -stricken areas in China. However, according to Chinese officials and folk data, more women who have been sold in recent years have come abroad, including Vietnam, Myanmar and North Korea.

Many women who have escaped North Korea have been sold to Chinese wives for Chinese prostitution or become Chinese men.They are also regarded by China as illegal entry. Even if they have been married to Chinese men, they may be repatriated and faced in North Korea or were sent to prison camps.

The relevant Chinese departments have also been repatriated to some trafficking women at the Sino -Vietnamese border after three years of interruption.Police between the two countries also promised to solve the problem of population sales together.