Hainan Province in Hainan Province in China has strictly hit the college entrance examination immigration phenomenon, and a strict qualification review of the 120 candidates who transfer to Hainan from outside the province to participate in the college entrance examination are strictly qualified, which restricts the qualifications of 69 of them.

According to the surging news Sunday (July 2), the Hainan Provincial Department of Education announced that data showed that this year Hainan Province further strengthened the qualification review of the college entrance examination registration.Candidates are qualified to be qualified, and 80 candidates are found through big data screening and supervision reports.

The relevant person in charge of the Hainan Provincial Department of Education introduced that the number of people participating in the college entrance examination this year is 70,000 69, including 63,805 fresh graduates of ordinary high schools in the province, 5117 previous graduates, and fresh graduates in vocational vocational schools.1027 people, as well as 120 candidates who met the relevant policies from outside the province to participate in the college entrance examination.

The person in charge said that in order to ensure the fairness and fair examination, Hainan Province conducted a strict qualification review of candidates who transferred to the college entrance examination outside 120 provinces.Among them, 69 candidates can only apply for the original undergraduate B (that is, the undergraduate or independent college) of the original undergraduate (that is, the undergraduate or independent college), the college of the high vocational colleges of the original undergraduate B.It meets the application of the application policies such as the active soldiers of the Hainan Provincial Army in Hainan Province, and is not restricted by the approval batch.

According to the relevant rules of the Hainan Provincial Department of Education, I have permanent residents in Hainan Province, but candidates who do not meet the requirements of specific application can register in Hainan Province, but they can only apply for the original undergraduate B and higher vocational vocational vocational vocationalCollege.Conditions that can not be restricted by the approval batch include candidates to have a student status in Hainan High School and fulfill the prescribed years, the guardian is high -level talents identified by Hainan Province, or the guardian is active military soldiers in the Joan Forces.

The relevant person in charge of the Hainan Provincial Department of Education said that Hainan has always maintained a high pressure on the "college entrance examination immigration", discovered and dealt with together, and discovered at any time at any time.The college entrance examination immigrants with the qualifications and admission qualifications to obtain the registration qualifications and admission qualifications in violation of the rules will make the cancellation of registration qualifications, admission qualifications until the processing of higher education students and academic qualifications, and the suspected transfer of the law of the judicial department is seriously handled.

In addition, the Hainan Provincial Network Information Office held a special news ventilation meeting of the "Examination" self -media chaotic news ventilation meeting on June 5th, which refers to some self -media accounts.The bottom line hype social hotspots such as Hainan's "Immigration of Middle School Entrance Examinations", distorted and interpreted the relevant policies of Hainan and college entrance examinations, and freely spread rumors information about the examinations, and seriously disrupt the online dissemination of the Internet during the middle and college entrance examinations of Hainan Province.

The Hainan Internet Information Office stated that in order to severely rectify the chaos of the self -media self -examination, the Internet Information Office shall solidly fulfill the responsibility of territorial management in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and actively coordinate and coordinate education, public security, market supervision and other departments.The special action of "clear" and guided related platforms to a number of self -media accounts involved in the "college entrance examination immigration consultation", "college entrance examination immigration consultation", "college entrance examination consultation", "college entrance examination consultant", and "college entrance examination consultant".

Data show that China's college entrance examination implements a model for provincial quota admission. Different provinces have different admission score lines, while Hainan Province has a relatively small number of candidates and relatively low score lines.College entrance examination.