The People's Bank of China has increased the total loan and re -discount quota of the agricultural branch, a total of 200 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about 37.3 billion yuan), which fulfills the Chinese government last week to increase the economy to increase the economy last week.Promotion of support.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the People's Bank of China said on Friday (June 30) that it was decided to increase the amount of support for supporting farmers and tributaries by 40 billion yuan and 120 billion yuan, respectively.The central bank will also increase the quota by 40 billion yuan.

The People's Bank of China has used these two tools in the past to promote commercial banks to issue loans to specific fields.Agricultural branch small re -loan enables banks to obtain financial support by issuing small and micro -private enterprise loans and agricultural loans, and re -discount enables banking institutions to discount the discounted notes held to the Bank of China.

The Bank of China said that the amount of supporting farmers' loans, tribes and re -loans, and re -discounting increases were 800 billion yuan, 1760 billion yuan, and 740 billion yuan, respectively.