Jincheng City, Shanxi Province Zezhou County issued policies to encourage fertility, allowing two or three children's children's middle school entrance examination can add 10 points.Not According to Sunday News Sunday (March 12) quoted the Zezhou County Government Office reported that the Zezhou County Government Office printed by Zezhou County issued nine measures (hereinafter referred to as nine items, hereinafter referred to as nine itemsThe measures are clear that the children who settled in and employed in Zezhou County and employed their family can add 10 points when applying for public high school in the county.Not In terms of educational subsidies, nine measures also said that the county Charity Federation was led by the establishment of the two (3) children's growth sponsorship funds, and the two (3) children's participation in the college entrance examination were promoted to the university.Give a one -time subsidy, that is, the undergraduate 3,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 600), and 2,000 yuan for colleges, and 2,000 yuan for one -time subsidies to vocational education schools.Not Nine measures clearly clarify Zezhou's maternity subsidy system. The first (3) child family registered in Zezhou County for the first time and the first household registration will be issued 1,000 yuan, 1,000 yuan for delivery subsidies, and 5,000 yuan.Maternity subsidies and 6,000 yuan milk powder subsidies have also extended maternity leave and parenting leave, and 50%subsidies will be given to the basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents.Not According to reports, Zezhou County recently held the first batch of "nine measures to promote the balanced development of the population".Milk powder subsidy, a total of 110,000 yuan.Not Regarding maternity leave, nine measures introduced that the female employees working in Zezhou County's administrative and enterprise and institutions have three babies, which can be extended for another 60 days on the basis of the 158 land of Shanxi Province.Therefore, the maternity leave after further extension can reach 218 days.Not According to the seventh national census data in China in 2021, Zezhou County's permanent population is 414,999, which is 60,000 in 10 years compared with the 484,174 people of "Six Pu" in 2010.9175 people.