A member of the Chinese CPPCC said that most Chinese youths are optimistic about the future. There are very few that really "lying down", and most of the unremitting struggle.

According to the surging news Saturday (March 11), the members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, Shangguan Jian, During the interview during the Two National Conference , the views on young people's" lying "mentality and increasing psychological health issues were expressed.

He said that "lying down" and "waste" that Chinese youths verbally said are more ridiculous and emotional expression of mild release pressure. The mainstream views of contemporary youths still believe that success is mainly based on personal efforts.Only by getting it.He believes that most young people are optimistic about the future. There are very few that really "lying down", and most of the unremitting struggle.

In his opinion, young people's understanding of their own development is sometimes "perceptual", and their actions are more convincing.

Shangguan Jian said that you can understand the emotional expression of slow -release pressure, but most young people are still actively struggling in their actions.Through these ridicule, what really needs to be faced with the actual pressure faced by the youth.

He said: "In the process of struggle, young people inevitably have a sense of frustration and weakness. We must pay attention to it in time, fully understand, have the same sense of empathy, and share emotions.The opportunity of youth development will help them strengthen their confidence and cheer up, and use hard work to resist the confused and nothingness 'spiritual internal consumption'. "