China Two Sessions


The two sessions will be


Beijing reported [email protected]

After the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017, 55 -year -old Ding Xuexiang was promoted to the Politburo member, secretary of the Central Secretariat, and director of the Central Office.This low -key and stable "big secret" has been deeply trusted by Chinese officials. For many years, Ding Xuexiang has been accompanied by the official visit to local inspections or visiting abroad.

After engaging in party affairs work for nearly 20 years, Ding Xuexiang, the "Da Nei Management" of Zhongnanhai, ushered in a major turning point in his career: dealing with the status of the Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council and economic and fiscal affairs.

Ding Xuexiang ranked sixth among the Seven Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China, and was also the only "post -60s" among the new Politburo Standing Committee.At a plenary meeting of the National People's Congress on Sunday (March 12), he replaced Han Zheng, who was promoted to the vice chairman of the Chinese State Council as the executive vice prime minister of the State Council.

Ding Xuexiang, born in 1962, is from Nantong, Jiangsu.After 17 years of working in the Shanghai Institute of Materials, he entered politics in 1999 and successively appointed in Shanghai Science and Technology Commission and Zhabei District.In 2004, Ding Xuexiang entered the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, and successively served as the deputy minister of the Organization Department, the director of the Municipal Personnel Bureau, the deputy secretary -general of the municipal party committee, and the director of the municipal office.

Ding Xuexiang was promoted to the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Secretary -General in 2007, and assisted the then official of the Shanghai Municipal Party Secretary.At the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee in May of that year, Chinese officials introduced Ding Xuexiang to the media: "He was a young man and was born after the 1960s."

Although Ding Xuexiang and the Chinese officials worked with Chinese officials for less than a year at that time, the official Chinese official took over at the end of 2012. Ding Xuexiang was transferred to Beijing the following year and served in the Central Office (referred to as the Chinese Office).Director of the President's Office, comprehensively assisted the official work of China, showing that his outstanding performance in Shanghai was appreciated by Chinese officials.

After the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017, the 55 -year -old Ding Xuexiang was promoted to the Politburo Member, Secretary of the Central Secretariat, and director of the Central Office.This low -key and stable "big secret" has been deeply trusted by Chinese officials. For many years, Ding Xuexiang has been accompanied by the official visit to local inspections or visiting abroad.

Ding Xuexiang ranked among the Standing Committee of the Politburo after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in October last year. The outside world originally expected that he would take over Wang Huning in charge of party affairs.However, the news screen during the Central Economic Conference of the Communist Party of China at the end of last year showed that when Li Qiangzuo, a member of the Standing Committee of the New Political Bureau, summarized his speech, Ding Xuexiang and him were sitting on the podium, indicating that the two would take over as the Premier and Executive Vice Premier of the State Council.

Ding Xuexiang and Han Zheng both in Shanghai, but compared with Han Zheng, who was born in economic majors and had long -term local management experience, Ding Xuexiang had previously been engaged in party affairs work and lacks the main experience and local experience.Work will be a big challenge.

During the past five years as the executive deputy prime minister, in the past five years, in addition to being responsible for promoting the "Belt and Road", Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei Coordinated Development, the Yangtze River Delta integrated development, and the construction of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area, it is also the leader of the Central Hong Kong and Macao work leadership group.However, Ding Xuexiang did not participate in the review of the Hong Kong and Macao Regiment during the two sessions (National People's Congress and the CPPCC Annual Meeting) this year (the National People's Congress and the CPPCC Annual Meeting), nor did he publicize the representatives of Hong Kong and Macao members. Whether he took over the work of Hong Kong and Macao still had suspense.

During the

During the two sessions, Ding Xuexiang participated in his review of his Liaoning delegation, emphasizing that it is necessary to resolutely maintain the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with the core of the Chinese Communist Party, adhere to and improve the institutional mechanism of the economic and social development of the Communist Party of China, and ensure thatThe deployment of various decisions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has been implemented.

Ding Xuexiang will take off the China Office for 10 years after taking over as the Vice Premier of the State Council.Because the Director of the Central Office is generally the secretary of the Central Secretariat, Cai Qi, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee, ranked first among the seven secretaries.

The news screen shows that Ding Xuexiang and Cai Qi have accompanied the Chinese official to participate in the Jiangsu delegation for review in the two sessions. Some observers interpreted that this was Ding Xuexiang's work in the handover to Cai Qi.

The late CCP veteran Wang Dongxing has also served as the director of the Central Office as the vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, but the arrangement of the Director of the Central Office of the Politburo Standing Committee is still extremely rare.Analysis believes that if Cai Qi will take over as the director of the Central Office as a member of the Standing Committee, it will be a reform of the CCP's leadership system and will also strengthen the position of the Chinese office in the party affairs system.