This year's China National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Saturday (March 11) was closed under the presidency of the new National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Wang Huning.Wang Huning asked the new CPPCC to carry forward the spirit of struggle and enhance the ability of the struggle.

Regarding the work of the CPPCC in the past five years, Wang Huning said at the closing meeting that under Wang Yang's chair and leadership, the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference closely focused on the party and the national center's tasks to fulfill their duties and promote the peopleThe CPPCC business has made important contributions to the development of the party and the country's cause in the development of the CPPCC.>王沪宁对新一届政协提出多项要求,他首先要求政协毫不动摇坚持中共的全面领导,深刻领悟“两个确立”的决定性意义,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、To achieve "two maintenance", adhere to and improve the multi -party cooperation and political negotiation system led by the Chinese government, adhere to the CCP's leadership, united front, negotiating democracy and organic combination, and closely perform the functions of the central situation to conscientiously perform their functions and actively act.

He also said that to ensure the correct political direction of the CPPCC business development, and to deeply understand that adherence to the CPPCC leadership is the fundamental guarantee for the development and progress of the CPPCC.Political positions, political directions, political principles, and political roads are highly consistent with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Xi Jinping as the core.

Wang Huning also mentioned in his speech that the CPPCC must focus on the overall situation of the central service, and in order to promote the implementation of negotiations in order to promote the deployment of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, improve the quality of negotiation, strengthen the construction of institutionalization, standardization, and programmatic functions., Promote the development of the whole process of people's democracy.

He pointed out that China is in a critical period to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and it is more needed to consolidate consensus and strengthen unity.The CPPCC must adhere to the unity and union, extensively contact and mobilize the people from all walks of life to assist the CCP and the government to do a good job in publicity policies, coordinate relations, stretch emotions, resolve contradictions, and firm confidence.Better contact the party groups and people from all ethnic groups to achieve "political concern, idealism, and emotional knowledge."

He finally emphasized that the CPPCC must strengthen the ideals and convictions, comprehensively enhance the ability to perform their duties, and continuously improve the ability of political grasp, investigation and research, contact the masses, and cooperate with their ability to work together;In terms of right and non -governmental positions and clear flags, dare to speak and be good at sound on the issue of principles.