China Two Sessions


Keywords of the two sessions


Chinese Special Manuscript

This year China Two Sessions The information shows that this year's Taiwan policy to Taiwan will focus on the restoration of civil exchanges and promote unity as the main axis. However, the analysis believes that Beijing's "hard -handed" will restrict civil exchanges;The equal number increases the situation again.

Since the end of last year, the coronary disease prevention is loosened, cross -strait relations seem to have signs of slowing down.Following the lifting of Taiwan's food imports at the end of January, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of the Mainland confirmed in early February that the aviation authority has passed the official channel of the aviation authority.Essence

Then, in mid -February, Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, proposed to the Kuomintang visiting group that people from Taiwan green camps are welcome to talk to the mainland and take a look.welcome.

In addition to political parties, Taiwanese industrial and commercial and civil society groups have recently visited Lu to visit and were also received by Beijing.According to Hong Kong 01 reports, Song Tao personally visited the Ciren and Graduate Society Visiting Troupe from Kaohsiung City, Taiwan's deep green constituency at the end of February.

During the two sessions, the mainland also approved the application for interviews by the Central News Agency of Taiwan's official media.Prior to this, the Central News Agency had not passed the interview and approval of the National Two Associations of the Mainland for three years.

For Taiwan's policy to Taiwan this year, former Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council of the State Council proposed in the last government work report during his office on March 5th that it is necessary to promote cross -strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation, improve the system and policies of the well -being of the people in Taiwan, promote the cross -strait sides of the straitCo -promoting Chinese culture together and creating a great cause of revival.

The Minister of Commerce of China Wang Wentao, when he participated in the National People's Congress of the National People's Congress to review the work report of the mainland government on the same day, said that the mainland will adopt many aspects to promote the in -depth development of cross -strait economic and trade relations, and help Taiwan compatriots and Taiwanese enterprises better integrate into the new development of the mainland.pattern.

Taiwan media interpretation, because Wang Wentao is expected to be the director of the National Development and Reform Commission known as the "Small State Council", he went to Taiwan to announce the aforementioned information during the two sessions, showing that the mainland would likely increase its efforts this year and promote cross -strait economic and trade exchanges and cooperation.

Taiwan Outlook and Exploring the special researcher of the magazine Guo Ruihua, Monday (March 6), attended the discussion of the International Research Center of the University of Politics.Spring is there may be there, and flowers may not be blooming. "After all, cross -strait issues cannot be solved by people's interaction alone.

He said that if he interpreted from goodwill, although Beijing did not emphasize anti -division, anti -external interference, and did not promise to abandon the use of force, the actual policy of Taiwan was still reported by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Chinese officials last year.During the 40th anniversary of Taiwan's compatriots.

Guo Ruihua believes that Beijing has determined that the United States is trying to "control the Chinese", so anti -external interference is still one of the priorities of Taiwan's long -term work. According to the current situation in China and the United States, the hostile spiral on both sides of the strait will only rise further, and it is difficult to solve it temporarily. SoftIn terms of in terms of, the mainland also takes the differences between the opposition and the government and the officials. Although it is verbally proposed to welcomes people from the green camps to land, it is still difficult to go.

As for the specific policy of Taiwan and how to communicate with Taiwan, Guo Ruihua has been judged, and I am afraid that it will be clear that the CCP will have a clear adjustment after the two sessions end.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China announced in late October last year mentioned that on the basis of adhering to a Chinese principle and the "1992 consensus", it is necessary to promoteUniformly carry out extensive in -depth consultations; interference in external forces and splitting Taiwan independence do not promise to abandon the use of force and retain options that adopt all necessary measures.

It can be certain that the Taiwan policy of Taiwan's Taiwan policy will inevitably follow the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. While advancing democratic negotiations and promoting unification of Taiwan, it will continue to anti -external interference and anti -Taiwan independence.

Analysis: Wang Huning may plan new discussions on the two systems of Taiwan

Wang Huining, the new chairman of the Chinese CPPCC National Committee, ranked fourth in the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China. It is the main pen and think tanks within the party. Zeng Zeng has assisted the three general secretaries to propose the "three representatives" and the scientific development concept of the Communist Party of China.idea.

Therefore, many analysts believe that he will serve as the deputy team leader of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Taiwan, and will plan a new discussion for the "two -system Taiwan plan".

Wang Huning's participation in the Taiwan delegation of the National People's Congress on March 9 proposed that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Chinese officials have proposed a series of important concepts and major policy claims on Taiwan's work, forming the overall strategy of solving the Taiwan issue in the new era.The mainland has further mastered the strategic initiative to achieve a complete unified unified.

He also reiterated that we must adhere to a Chinese principle and the "1992 Consensus", promote cross -strait relations in the right direction; firmly strive for peace and unity prospects, promote cross -strait exchanges and cooperation, integrate development, oppose Taiwan independence division and foreign interference, Unite Taiwan compatriots work together to work hard to national rejuvenation.

According to Sing Tao Daily, when Wang Huning received a member of the Hong Kong and Macau National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference the day before, it was mentioned that some people from foreign countries discredited the "one country, two systems". Therefore, the CPPCC was asked to do well."It is a good system.

The report quoted Tian Feilong, Executive Director of the two systems of the first system of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, analyzed that Wang Huning's statement also wanted to guide Taiwan to jointly explore the "two systems" plan.

Tian Feilong pointed out that the "one country, two systems" itself is proposed because of the Taiwan issue. It is first and tried on the Hong Kong and Macao.Taiwan Plan ", the most influential method.

Taiwan's Taiwan Network under the Taiwan Affairs Office also visited Chen Yunying, a representative of the Taiwanese National People's Congress during the two sessions, to negotiate the "two -system Taiwan plan".Her husband was Lin Yifu, an economist who went to the mainland from Golden Gate, Taiwan in 1979.

Chen Yunying said that the mainland must fully understand the doubts of the people in Taiwan on the "one country, two systems" and explain patiently.She also encourages the "gossip" consultation to allow the people of Taiwan to relax her mindset, let go of her burdens, give up doubts, and express her expectations on the basis of fully understanding the "one country, two systems".

Wang Xinxian, a special professor of the Institute of East Asia, pointed out that when the people in Taiwan feel that the possibility of conflict between the two sides of the strait increases the possibility of conflict or war, they will want to use communication to ease.However, democratic negotiation is a means to promote the "two -system Taiwan plan" in the mainland. It has a high degree of political meaning. If Beijing will see exchanges as a part of democratic consultation, the Taiwan government will also exchange exchangesDemocratic negotiation hats may have major problems on cross -strait exchanges.

Therefore, Wang Xinxian appealed that the cross -strait governments should not capture their political interests through exchanges.

Scholars: Doubts of academic exchanges on both sides of the strait should be eliminated

Kou Jianwen, director of the National Congress of Zhengda University, believes that the mainland will position this year as the "year of exchange" cross -strait, hoping for peaceful development, and does not mean that the "hard -handed hand", such as the soft appeal of Chinese culture and peaceful development, will be by military aircraft by military planes.Breaking the Taiwan interference, "this is a big challenge to the CCP's policy on Taiwan."

Kou Jianwen also mentioned that the mainland trying to restore cross -strait folk exchanges should think about how to provide the security guarantee for Taiwan people to communicate in land.

He pointed out that as early as 2018 and around 2019, many Taiwanese scholars were invited by mainland officials.This has caused scholars to have a lot of doubts about communication.

Kou Jianwen also asked, is the communication between the mainland one -way or two -way?One -way communication was the past in Taiwan, and the two -way mainland came here. However, it seems that they all want Taiwanese scholars to go toland. Mainland scholars have almost no plan to go to Taiwan.

Lin Zonghong, director of the Contemporary China Research Center of Tsinghua University in Taiwan, also mentioned in an interview with this newspaper that when Lu Fang invited the Taiwan academic community to exchange, he often invited scholars in specific positions.offset.

Kou Jianwen believes that there must be room for discussion on cross -strait academic exchanges. Now the official control of mainland China is becoming more and more stringent. Mainland scholars will have doubts about interaction with Taiwanese scholars. If cross -strait exchanges are going normally, these doubts cannot exist.

He said: "These are the issues of the mainland. The mainland should think about how to make cross -strait scholars open and relax when communicating and communicating. There is no political concerns."

Anti -external interference is still the focus of the mainland to Taiwan

During the two sessions, McCarthy, Speaker of the House of Representatives, confirmed to the media on March 8 that he plans to meet with Tsai Ing -wen, Taiwan in the United States this year.Analysis believes that although such arrangements are intentionally alleviating the impact caused by McCarthy's direct visit to Taiwan, Beijing is still likely to have a strong response.

Regarding the impact of the US factors on the situation of the Taiwan Strait, the new Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang took out the Constitution of the People's Republic of China at the Press Foreign Minister's press conference, emphasizing that "solving the Taiwan problem is a matter of the Chinese people", and the United States must not interfere.He also said that Taiwan's issue is the core of China's core interests, the basis of the political foundation of Sino -US relations, and the first unable to cross Sino -US relations.

Qin Gang also pointed out that the reason why the Taiwan issue occurred was unpredictable in the United States."The reason why we talk to the United States about Taiwan is to ask the United States not to interfere with China's internal affairs."If the United States really hopes that the Taiwan Strait is calm, it should stop the "control of China", return to the original meaning of a Chinese principle, abide by the political commitment to China, and clearly oppose and stop Taiwan independence.

Zhang Deng, director of the Department of Political Science, Taiwan University, analyzed at the Symposium on the National Congress of Politics and University that China and the United States' confrontation are the first variables of international politics in the next 10 years; the U.S. internal affairs deadlock has also made "anti -China" a bipolar competition between the two parties.The unique consensus for the speed has strengthened the motivation of the United States to play Taiwanese cards.

He answered a further analysis of this newspaper's question that Beijing and Taipei had stopped communicating for many years. Now they have to recover again. There are many asymmetric expectations of each other, and there are quite a lot of doubts.Therefore, in the short term, the political interaction energy of the United States and Taiwan will be greater than Beijing's attempt to restore cross -strait exchanges, especially the improvement of the interactive level of the United States and Taiwan will become the main variable of the regional situation in the Taiwan Strait.