The former president of the Chinese Buddhist Association and honorary dean of the Chinese Buddhist Academy, retired from Lushan Forest Temple in Lushan, Jiangxi, and Presbyterian Presbyterian Presbyterian of Fayuan Temple in Beijing on March 10 (Friday) at 23:16 in Lushan, JiangxiDonglin Temple was silent at the age of 97.

Public information shows that it was born in Liaoning in 1927. In 1947, he converted to Puhua Temple Chongren and studied Buddhism. He went to Yunju Shanzhan Temple in Yunju Mountain, Jiangxi in 1957, and followed the old monk of Xuyun.Since 1956, he served the old monk Xuyun in his own place, and was promoted by the name of the law.

In 1960, he was admitted to the Chinese Buddhist Academy. After graduating from the undergraduate in 1965, he returned to Yunju Shanzhen Temple in Yunju Mountain, Jiangxi.

In December 1979, he was transferred to the Beijing China Buddhist Association. In 1981, he went to Lianzong Buddhist University in Kyoto, Japan to study.He was printed in 1984 as the academic affairs of the Chinese Buddhist Academy, and in 1986 as the vice president.In August 1994, he was invited to be the abbot of Lin Temple in Shandong, Jiangxi.In 1999, he served as the president of the Beijing Buddhist Association.

On February 2, 2010, at the eighth National Congress Conference of the Chinese Buddhist Association, he was printed and elected as the president of the Chinese Buddhist Association.Member of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National Committee.