Chinese telecommunications equipment dealers ZTE's revenue and profits last year have increased.

According to the surging news report, ZTE issued a 2022 annual performance report on Friday (March 10).During the reporting period, the company achieved operating income of 122.95 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about $ 24 billion), an increase of 7.4%year -on -year; net profit attributable to mother was 8.08 billion yuan, an increase of 18.6%year -on -year; the net profit of the deduction was 6.17 billion yuanYuan, an increase of 86.5%year -on -year.Looking at the fourth quarter, ZTE's revenue in the fourth quarter of ZTE was 30.395 billion yuan, net profit was 1.26 billion yuan, and the non -net profit was 616 million yuan.

ZTE said that 2022 is the beginning of the strategic transcendent period. The company's domestic and international markets, operators' networks, government -enterprise business and consumer business, all of which are all year -on -yearincrease.Among them, innovative business income, which is represented by "server and storage, 5G industry applications, automotive electronics, digital energy, smart families", has grown rapidly, setting the foundation for the successful start of the strategy transcendence period.

According to the market, in 2022, ZTE's operating income in China's domestic market and international markets realized 85.24 billion yuan and 37.71 billion yuan, respectively, an increase of 9.20%and 3.44%year -on -year.


ZTE said that in terms of political enterprise affairs, ZTE's core product server and storage, GOLDENDB distributed database, cloud computers, etc. are realized in the rapid volume of head customers in financial, Internet, government affairs and other industries.In terms of consumer business, ZTE gradually integrates mobile phones, mobile internet products, family information terminals and ecological capabilities. Last year, ZTE, Nubia, and Red Devils launched multiple models to cover different market demand.