The mayor of New Taipei Hou Youyi is considered a candidate for the Kuomintang's presidential election, but so far Hou Youyi has not yet expressed whether he intends to run for 2024 presidential election.In this regard, Zhao Shaokang, chairman of China and China, called on Hou Youyi to make his statement as soon as possible, "the strongest hens should have the strongest hens."

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, Zhao Shaokang said on Friday (March 10) that if Hou Youyi did not express his statement as soon as possible, he would still be questioned, and Hou Youyi's polls have declined.He believes that the strongest hens should have the strongest hens, and Hou Youyi should stand out as soon as possible.

As for whether the blue camp should fight for cooperation with non -green camps, Zhao Shaokang said that non -green must cooperate.If you do n’t cooperate with green and are scattered; if the party ’s party chairman Ke Wenzhe is unwilling, then there is no way, but you always have to talk about it,“ It ’s not possible to see the king’ s talk with each other. ”

He bluntly stated that some of the Kuomintang people are too arrogant to think that the Kuomintang can dominate the world, but "there is no such thing."

The Kuomintang was defeated in the Nantou legislators earlier this month and lost the big ticket warehouse that has always been the blue camp.The defeat of Nantou's re -election caused the Kuomintang to set a review, and Hou Youyi was arrested by war criminals.The Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun later also came out, saying that the responsibility of the defeat was responsible for the party chairman, and he had to bear it. This was the responsibility he had to bear as the party chairman.Zhu Lilun emphasized that all the responsibilities within the party are there, and don't point the spearhead to any comrade.

A source close to Hou Youyi revealed that after making up the election, Hou Youyi had "follow the trend" thinking.The outside world always thought that Hou Youyi and other New Taipei City Councils announced the election after the general inquiry was over, but in fact the time point was not the main reason for Hou Youyi, but whether the party's "housework" could be handled well, so Hou Youyi repeatedly said "unity" and follow."dialogue".