Whether the foreign relations announced by the National People's Congress of China last year means that Chinese diplomacy is becoming more and more aggressive, China The National People's Congress The spokesperson of the conference, Wang Chao, said the foreign relations law made principle regulations on countermeasures and restrictions, and stated that this was justified and and the.necessary.

Wang Chao criticized at a press conference today (March 4) that some countries have frequently abused domestic law in the way of non -compliance with international law.In response, this approach and this bullying act have been generally criticized as "long -arm jurisdiction" by the international community.

He said that China has always resolutely opposed this approach. In response to those aims of unreasonable targeting, curbing, and interfering with China's internal affairs, China has introduced the People's Republic of China to prevent improper foreign laws and measures to block foreign laws and measures.Applicable methods for out -of -domains are not reliable to counter them.

He said that as a basic law in foreign -related fields, the Foreign Relations Law is necessary to make principled regulations on countermeasures and restrictions. China's core interests cannot be damaged, and the completeness of sovereignty and territorial territories cannot be violated. ForActs that harm China's sovereignty security and development interests, and infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens, Chinese officials have made relevant provisions in laws and resolutely counter -trusions are legitimate and necessary.

Wang Chao said that in the new journey of building a socialist modernization country in an all -round way, China's determination and will to implement reform and opening up are unswerving.The construction of the rule of law in development and interests also attaches great importance to expanding the construction of the rule of law on the outside world.China has always adhered to the basic principles of international law and the basic guidelines for international relations, adhered to the maintenance of world peace, promoted common development, and committed to promoting the establishment of a community of human destiny, and developed friendly cooperation with various countries on the basis of the "five principles of peace coexistence".