
Notes on the stage

The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense announced before the 228th consecutive holiday. It was proposed to revise the preparation of the national defense mobilization (hereinafter referred to as the full motion method).Edition; especially "mobilization" of minor students 16 years old, triggering the panic of parents and students to approach the war.The Kuomintang and the People ’s Party strongly opposed it. On the eve of the Nantou legislators, the Kuomintang strongly played the“ voting for the DPP and the children ’s on the battlefield”. The public opinion direction was not good for the DPP government of the DPP government, and the government stepped on the brakes urgently.

Tsai Ing -wen posted on Facebook late on Friday (March 3), emphasizing "we will not let our children go to the battlefield", accusing the Kuomintang of deliberately misleading the people.Those who violated Taiwan dare not act lightly. "Chen Jianren, the president of the Executive Yuan, also pointed out in the Legislative Yuan earlier that the amendment of the Full Movement method "" Nothing students must go to the battlefield, no students to make weapons, and no news to restrain news. "Sub -shelters, collect opinions from all walks of life, and then consider whether to re -propose amendments.

In order to eliminate the uneasiness of the society, the Presidential Palace and the Ministry of Defense have explained that the amendments to the full motion method are only applicable to the "war" during the mobilization period.Freedom and rights.On the one hand, the DPP legislators accused of distorting the facts in the opposition party, expanding the statement of rendering minor doll soldiers to be on the battlefield, and on the other hand, they also blame the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Education that they have not communicated with the legislators in advance, nor did they interpret the society in a timely manner.Cause misunderstandings.

Amendments to the Full Movement Law involve many ministries and agencies. The Ministry of Defense's announcement period is only 14 days, and the 60 days of different legal amendment announcements.On February 21, the four -day holiday was also included during the period. Therefore, the Kuomintang questioned that the government deliberately shortened the time and space of people's participation and was ready to be sent to the Legislative Yuan during this conference.Even if Chen Jianren asked the amendment to be removed after the 14 -day announcement, wouldn't he complete the trailer procedure and send it directly to the Executive Yuan for review in the future?

Guo Zhengliang, a former legislator and well -known current affairs commentator of the Democratic Progressive Party, took the title of "General Green Police (Police General Command), unprecedented retreat" in the "Highlights" program.The case is to prepare for speech control and organizational mobilization before the outbreak of the Taiwan Strait War.

He believes that this matter should be that Tsai Ing -wen and the National Security Council have been instructed by the Ministry of National Defense, but the real pressure behind it comes from the United States to prevent the CCP from cognitive operations and avoid suspicion of American and anti -war theory in Taiwan.

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun often announced on Wednesday (March 1) that the Kuomintang will never let the full motion amendments to students over the age of 16 or mobilize students over 16 years of age.The people's party also stated that the amendments to the full motion method are similar to "martial arts", and the party resolutely oppose it.What is the definition of the "mobilization preparation phase" of the "mobilization preparation" of the two parties?What is usual?What is wars?Who will decide?Oppose blank authorization to the administrative department and let the ruling party do whatever they want.

Guo Zhengliang said that there must be very management measures during the war, but the DPP and the government claimed that the amendments to the full motion method were implemented during the war, and it was a lie.The mobilization preparation plan for communication, financial foreign exchange and communication is clearly written in the preparation stage, not the implementation stage.Once the law is passed, it will take effect immediately. Even if there is no war, it will cause the outflow of funds.

According to Article 15 of the Amendment of the Full Movement Law, the government wants to conduct investigations, statistics, grouping and planning on the Internet platform, application service providers and news practitioners that cannot be regulated at present.To hide information, otherwise there will be legal responsibility, which will inevitably make media workers have a chilling effect.

The amendments to the full motion method shall be included in the civil defense mission for high school students over 16 years of age. During the war, they must assist air strike protection, ambulance, fire information promotion, and military material production.The Ministry of National Defense emphasized that young students have absolutely no doubts in the war.Guo Zhengliang takes the United States and Japan in the Second World War to fight as an example. It is said that the Japanese military factory is also the target of the US military attack. Of course, young students will be in danger if they need military materials to produce materials.

The Democratic Progressive Party accused the opposition of the opposition to spread fear, emphasizing that mainland China threatened to Taiwan in Taiwan. The provinces of the mainland have set up a national defense mobilization office.But these arguments were pale and weak, and failed to resolve social doubts.

When the Cai government came to power in 2016, in the face of the mainland's martial arts martial arts that advocated Taiwan independence, the DPP people often hung on their mouths "the CCP would not fight" and "the CCP dare not fight."But to this day, is it?The Tsai government, which is also in the United States, is not capable of seeking the development of the objective situation. It can only cooperate with the United States to build Taiwan into hedgehog island and purchase weapons as urban war preparation.

In the early years, Chiang Kai -shek implemented martial law, indicating that it was to counterattack the country.Since the Tsai government, which emphasizes democracy and freedom to follow the United States and adhere to the "cross -strait do not affiliate with each other", should also show to supporters that the price they may pay is that the people choose to fight.