“狂飙这部片子我不太喜欢,因为There is no good person in the middle private entrepreneurs, which must not be in line with the facts. "

The chairman of the New Oriental Group and the famous Chinese private entrepreneur Yu Minhong, on Thursday (March 2), send him toOn the top of Sina Weibo hot search list.

In the video selection video circulating speech, in addition to expressing dissatisfaction with the bad guys in the TV series, Yu Minhong also put forward his suggestion: "I hope to shoot such private enterprises in the futureAt least half of the private entrepreneurs should be good talents right. "

The critical drama jointly produced by CCTV and iQiyi is soaring.A TV series with the best ratings and word of mouth in the Chinese social media platform also has a lot of fans on the Chinese social media platform.Because of this, under the entry of "Yu Minhong's saying that he doesn't like the soaring", a large number of netizens refute his views differently.

Some netizens said that Yu Minhong was pierced in pain. Some people thought he was too sensitive. There were also comments quoting the golden sentence of the founding Prime Minister Zhou Enlai: "The people like to see, do you like you?"

Yu Minhong can't understand the Cyclonus?

This point of view believes that as an anti -black drama, the role arrangement in it is for the plot service.Image.Moreover, there are few private enterprise owners in the play. It is normal to have no good people. Yu Minhong does not need to be so sensitive.

This refutation is indeed well -founded, and it can also reflect that netizens know more about film and television drama creation than Yu Minhong.However, if Yu Minhong has caused a huge controversy back to the original context, it is not difficult to find that this is not exactly the "film review" given by his audience.

Yu Minhong's evaluation is notInstead of simply the "film review" of the episode itself, it is an example in the speech.(Internet)

This passage from Yu Minhong's speech in the "De Shengmen Lecture Hall" hosted by the National Federation of Industry and Commerce National Federation of China on February 26. Its core is the confidence and transfer of private entrepreneurs.Just as an example of "hot spot".

According to the full text circulating on the Internet, after sharing the experience and experience of grasping the turnover, Yu Minhong reminds entrepreneurs to take responsibility.Gao Qiqiang, "there will be endless sequelae."

He then had a slightly ridiculous tone, saying that he did not like the shaping of private entrepreneurs in this play, and used "this must not be in line with the facts, right?"The main audience, and then proposed that in the film and television films that hopes to involve "private entrepreneurs and government relations" in the future, they can end their speech after being able to have more "good people" private entrepreneurs.

In this way, the upright he wants to express is that the shaping of entrepreneurs and the government in the film and television works is not recognized, and it is vaguely "rectified" for private entrepreneurs, rather than simply the Cyclonus.What is dissatisfied.

Yu Minhong wants to express, probablyDo not recognize the shaping of entrepreneurs and the government in the film and television works, and is vaguely "rectified" for private entrepreneurs.The picture shows the villain Gao Qiqiang (left) and the decent policeman An Xin (right).(Internet)

The "good" and "bad"

of entrepreneurs can understand that Yu Minhong is "shouting" for his group, and most of them are difficult for him to accept himSaid: From the perspective of "workers" today, few entrepreneurs are indeed a good person.

Under the relevant questions of the question and answer social platform, a Gao Zan replied that Yu Minhong hopes to see the demands of more positive entrepreneur images.There is no time to shape.There are also more extreme comments that the first bucket of gold in Chinese entrepreneurs "rarely clean", "good people can not be entrepreneurs", "Yu Minhong may start a place to start a place, it may be the next Gao Qiqiang."

Another praise answers proposed that even if they use discipline and law as the lowest standards, there are very few entrepreneurs who can actively abide by the labor law, let alone the "good people" who can treat employees well.Essence"Seek truth from facts! Cycling is right, there are almost no good people in private entrepreneurs."

Some comments also commented that Yu Minhong was appreciated. Taking him as an example, he was decently settled in the New Oriental dismissal employees as an example. He believed that he was not the one.One of the more conscience entrepreneurs.There are also comments that if Yu Minhong wants to watch good entrepreneurs in film and television dramas, he should go to Chinese partners.

Chinese partner released in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 released in 2013 in 2013 released in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 released in 2013 in 2013 released in 2013 in 2013 released in 2013 in 2013 released in 2013 in 2013 released in 2013 released in 2013 released in 2013 released in 2013 released in 2013 in 2013 released in 2013 released in 2013 released in 2013 in 2013 released in 2013 released in 2013 released in 2013 in 2013 released in 2013 in 2013 released in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013 in 2013.Based on Yu Minhong, Xu Xiaoping, and Wang Qiang, they founded the story of New Oriental as the prototype, and the image of Chinese private entrepreneurs was shaped positively. They also received a good evaluation in that year.(Internet)

This 2013 movie was released on the story of the new Oriental's story with Yu Minhong, Xu Xiaoping, and Wang Qiang, and shaped and paid tribute to Chinese private entrepreneurs that grew up to the beginning of this century to the beginning of this century.We scored 7.6 points in the more than 600,000 scores of Douban, and also won the best story film of the Golden Rooster Awards that year.However, whether it is New Oriental, or the founder of Lenovo Group, the founder of Lenovo Group, and Ma Yun, the founder of Alibaba, or the English translation of the film "American Dreams in China", it has been wrong in the past ten years.

It is not difficult to see from these comments that netizens who mainly working in the working class consciously drawn the class boundary with Yu Minhong, and their standards when evaluating entrepreneurs.same.

For example, if you measure the job or wealth value created, then Ma Yun will definitely be regarded as a good entrepreneur; but only with him proposed the "996 blessing theory", it is enough to let him make him.In the eyes of thousands of people's livelihoods and overtime workers, they have become evil capitalists.

The thinking of "Do not empathize with capitalists" is destined to be destined to be recognized by most people.But as many netizens said that Cyclonus was not shot to entrepreneurs, Yu Minhong's speech for entrepreneurs' "justified" speech was not for these netizens.

Where does the confidence of entrepreneurs come from?

After China's experience of the epidemic, since the end of last year, the development of the economy and supporting private enterprises have been continuously emphasized. Many small and well -known Chinese entrepreneurs have also followed different forms of official media and interviews.And encourage private entrepreneurs' "confidence".In the context of

, the Deshengmen lecture hall is no exception.In the theme with "firm development of confidence and actively grasping the turnaround", Yu Minhong's speech is essentially a "proposition composition" of the main melody and positive energy, and he can also be regarded as a person who handles the most important answers with his own experience.oneIt's right.

Yu Minhong founded New Oriental School in 1993From the English Examination of college students to go abroad to achieve the entire tuition school, it has become the first person to eat the dividend of the Chinese study and education industry.(Internet)

Yu Minhong founded the New Oriental School in 1993. From the English Examination of College Students to go abroad, it is a whole lesson for tutoring schools, becoming a bonus in the Chinese study and education industry in China.In the education industry, it is hot and heated, but New Oriental still occupies a leader in 2021. The policy of "double reduction" (dual reduction "(reducing the burden of student operation and off -school training during the compulsory education stage), almost the entire industry.

That year, the market value of New Oriental fell 90%, revenue decreased by 80%, and employees dismissed 60,000.However, in the face of such a fatal blow, Yu Minhong did not fall or give up, but spent nearly 20 billion yuan (RMB, Same, about S $ 3.9 billion) to refund the tuition fees, compensate employees, etc.All sets of tables and chairs are donated to rural areas and mountainous areas in exchange for the good impression of employees and people.

In December of the same year, New Oriental launched the "Oriental Selection" of the farmer's live broadcast sales platform, and Yu Minhong also personally sold agricultural products in the personal Douyin live broadcast room.In June last year, with the bilingual explanation of Dong Yuhui, a former New Oriental High School English teacher, quickly became popular in the live broadcast room, and the brand of "Eastern Selection" also stood up.

In the New Eastern Online 2023 Fortune Annual Financial Report released in January this year, the new Oriental Online revenue after the transformation of "Oriental Selection" was 2.08 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 262.69%; net profit was 585 million yuan, a year -on -year increase of growth, a year -on -year increase207.59%, the new Oriental Online has made a profit for the first time since listing.

去年6月,随着前New Oriental High School English teacher Dong Yuhui (first from right) quickly became popular in the live broadcast room. New Oriental Online successfully transformed "Oriental Selection" under the leadership of Yu Minhong (second from right), and achieved the first profit after listing.(Internet)

New Oriental has seized a major turning point from the field of education to another field through "East Selection", bringing great confidence to many entrepreneurs and business circles in China.But Yu Minhong only described it as "a natural process" in his speech.He believes that he has never lost confidence, so there is no claim to firm confidence, and emphasize that you must maintain confidence in the face of difficulties, and the difficulties and opportunities will always complement each other.

Yu Minhong also said in his speech that entrepreneurs should facing the future, doing things that are synchronized with the development of the country, doing things that are beneficial to the people's living standards, and doing things that live from the values to the bottom line, so as not to avoidBecome "Gao Qiqiang".

He also reminds entrepreneurs not to think that the difficulty of the company is due to the poor economy in China or the three -year epidemic. Some difficulties are everywhere even in the most prosperous period of economy.If you are in trouble, look for a turnaround, but to actively seek a turnaround at any time.

It is not difficult to see that Yu Minhong is an idealist. He can withstand a sudden blow, find a turnaround in the adversity, and boil a bowl of "Soul Yu Tang" to add confidence to others.But even such a person will still be anxious in the face of reality, will worry about the image of entrepreneurs in the image of film and television dramas, and keep calm in the success of the East.Essence

Yu Minhong is still so, more ordinary private enterprise owners, especially small and medium -sized entrepreneurs who have experienced epidemic conditions on the economy, as well as internal and external affairs of international relations.Heart?