In response to the news that "China will distribute licenses to Education Company to restore extracurricular counseling", the Chinese Private Education Association rumors stated that the news is pure rumors, and it is a malicious speculation of people with ulterior motives.

Recently on the Internet, "China will issue licenses to Education Company to restore extracurricular counseling". Companies who have obtained licenses can resume students in the compulsory education stage to provide extracurricular tutoring services, and said that "these companies must must be necessary for these companies.Operate extra -curricular counseling in non -profit methods, but allows profitability in other businesses. "

"China Private Education Association Official WeChat" WeChat public account on Friday (March 3) released a news that the online transmission of "China will issue licenses to education companies to restore extracurricular counseling" as the title.It is a rumor, and it is a malicious speculation of a person with ingenuity.

The China Private Education Association pointed out that the above -mentioned online news was reported on November 10, 2021, and the content was misunderstanding of policy misunderstandings, which did not match the "double reduction" policy.

According to the official website of the China Private Education Association, the China Private Education Association is formally approved by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Civil Affairs.Various private education institutions and private educators at all levels are voluntarily formed and industry -based non -profit social organizations.

Chinese officials issued opinions on further reducing the burden of students' homework and off -campus training in the compulsory education stage in July 2021, comprehensively regulating off -campus training, including the training institutions must not occupy holidays, rest days, and winter and summer vacations.Training and existing discipline training institutions are uniformly registered as non -profit institutions, and capitalized operations such as listing financing are prohibited.Closing the tide.