中国外交部原副部长王超接替张业遂,As the new National People's Congress Press speechpeople.

Wang Chao appeared at the press conference before the opening of the National People's Congress today (March 4).

Wang Chao, born in 1960, was the youngest deputy minister in China.According to public resumes, after graduating from the Guangzhou Academy of Foreign Languages, Wang Chao began to work in the former Ministry of Economic and Trade and Commerce in 1982 to be responsible for foreign trade. In 2003, he served as the director of the Ministry of Commerce.

From 2004 to 2006, Wang Chao briefly served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee and Deputy Governor of the State Party Committee of the Jing Po Autonomous State Committee of the Dehong Dai people in Yunnan Province, and returned to the Ministry of Commerce in 2006.Members of the party group, and were promoted to the deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce in 2010.

Wang Chao transferred to the diplomatic system in 2013. At the age of 53, he was the youngest deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at that time. He was in charge of European regional affairs, translation, archives and party affairs work.

After unloading the position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2019, he served as the president of the Chinese People's Foreign Affairs Society. He is the youngest president of the diplomatic society over the years.

Wang Chao is the eighth spokesman of the eighth foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including Zeng Tao, Yao Guang, Zhou Jue, Jiang Enzhu, Li Zhaoxing, Fu Ying, and Zhang Ye Sui.Deputy Foreign Minister.