Jingqiang Xinyun

Just in the past Friday, the three Chinese state -owned financial institutions have experienced heavy personnel changes on the same day, and the four deputy ministerial financial executives have adjusted their positions, causing the outside world to think about it.

China ’s largest property insurance company, China’ s People's Insurance Group, held a meeting of the Communist Party of China on the afternoon.

Luo Yan, born in December 1960, was just 62 years old at the end of last year. He has rich experience in the field of banks and insurance. Since September 2020, he has served as the secretary of the Party Committee of the Chinese People's Insurance.Deepening the group reform is delayed retirement.

On the same day, the Bank of China, one of the four major banks, also changed.On the afternoon of February 17, the Bank of China held a meeting of the party committee to expand. The relevant person in charge of the Central Organization Department announced that it would avoid the position of Liu Lianzhang's party secretary of the Central Bank of China.

Liu Lianzhang was born in May 1961, and was 62 years old for three months.In 2018, he was transferred to the President of the Bank of China from the Vice Chairman and President of China Import and Export Bank.

The National Development Bank, one of the policy banks that announced the appointment and removal of personnel on the same day.Essence

57 -year -old Tan Jiong has worked in the financial system for more than 30 years. In 2019, Guizhou, Guizhou, served as Deputy Governor and became a "Deputy Governor of Financial".In 2022, he ranked among the Standing Committee of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and served as the Minister of the United Front Work Department.Back to Beijing this time is to return to the financial industry again.

Within one day, the three major state -owned financial institutions have reshuffled personnel. The three of them stepped down and one person was new. Some overseas media speculated that the Chinese financial industry is facing a new round of rectification?

There is such an association that is not surprising.In the past few years, China's financial system has undergone high -pressure anti -corruption, and there are not a few senior officials who have fallen off.Just one month ago, Wang Bin, chairman of China Life, was prosecuted for suspected bribery and concealed overseas deposits.

Among the three executives who stepped down last Friday, there were also controversial and easy to make people associate.Shortly before Luo Yan was removed from office, the China PICC Group led by his leaders caused a lot of heated discussions on the entire network because of the "Golden Sentence Gate".

Earlier this month, the Chinese people's insurance issued a notice on the learning activity of "learning Luo Dong's golden sentences and stimulating for withdrawal forces". The "Luo Dong" in it is Luo Yan.The notification required all cadres and employees of the company to "learn, read, read, and recite the chairman's golden sentences conveyed at the starting meeting of the first quarter."The notice also said that the company's all -level institutions must complete the closing of the entire staff through the customs clearance and examinations by February 10, and summarize the test results.

China People's Insurance WeChat public account also posted an article to promote learning with examinations. A set of questions takes you to keep you in mind the "first season peak" golden sentence, but after the "golden sentence incident" was fermented, the article was deleted.The exam was also stopped.

Many Chinese media are keen to sort out the speeches of Chinese senior officials on some occasions into "golden sentences", hoping to improve the communication ability and achieve the effect of propaganda.The "golden sentence" culture has now passed on to state -owned enterprises, and it has risen to internal management and evaluation. No wonder some media criticize this is personal worship and charming power.

Some analysts believe that the public opinion storm caused by "Golden Sentence Gate" reflects the company's value system and corporate culture to a certain extent, and it also reflects the "first -hand" style of acting.According to the Chinese media financial new report, many people who guarantee the system expressed the meaning of "Pu Da Xi Ben" and "suffering hard" after Luo Yan was removed.The official did not disclose the reason why Luo Yan was removed. It was also a mystery if the "golden sentence incident" was a direct fuse, but Luo Yan's curtain was somewhat cliché and embarrassing.

As for whether this means to rectify the storm in the financial field, I am afraid it is not necessarily.The party committee secretary and chairman of Chinese state -owned financial institutions generally belong to the deputy ministerial level. They are not only corporate managers, but also important technical officials. A few people may also become high -ranking high -ranking provincial and ministerial levels, or to become financial regulatory agencies."Reserve forces".However, if it is not more upper -level, the 60 -year -old retirement after retirement is unable to step down, it is a normal retirement of the age.

In addition, in two weeks, China will also hold a five -year change of the two sessions (National People's Congress and the CPPCC Annual Meeting).A high -level "blood change" may occur.

He Lifeng, who is generally estimated to be the outside world, will replace Liu He, who will be the Politburo after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, will be the deputy prime minister in charge of finance.

Among the three current heads of the "One Story and Two Sessions", Yi Gang, a 65 -year -old governor of the central bank and Guo Shuqing, chairman of the 67 -year -old CBRC, has not been able to enter the Central Committee in the 20th National Congress.The CIRC will usher in a new "leader" after the two sessions.Only at the end of last year, Yi Hui, the chairman of the CSRC, became a member of the Central Committee of the 20th National Congress. It is expected that one of the heads of the "one line and two sessions", such as the Securities Regulatory Commission or the central bank president.

At the end of the current, a sporty financial field was set up before the two sessions, and the possibility was very low.However, it is certain that after the financial regulatory institution's personnel are finalized, the new leadership team is expected to put forward new ideas on preventing financial risks and financial anti -corruption. After all, financial risks are still a high sword in China today.The field is far from being clear.