In order to boost the sluggish real estate market in China, many provinces in Shandong, China, and Anhui have clearly stated that they want to pilot the sales of existing housing.

Comprehensive Securities Daily and First Financial Report, since the National Housing and Urban -Rural Development Work Conference held on January 17 this year proposed that "if possible can be sold for existing housing", it has less than a month.Shandong, Anhui, Henan, Sichuan, Guangdong and other places clearly expressed their positions and piloted the sales of existing housing.

Among them, the Provincial Housing and Urban -Rural Construction Work Conference in Henan Province is clear on February 7. This year, the supervision of pre -sale funds for commercial housing will be further standardized and the threshold for pre -sale will be gradually increased.System reform and sales of existing housing.

四川也在近期提出,支持有条件的城市开展商品房现售试点,积极推动房地产业向新发展模式平稳过渡;山东省则表示,将促进住房消费合理需求平稳释放,逐步Improve the pre -sale threshold and encourage conditions to start the pilot sales pilot.Anhui will also "take the pilot of sales of existing housing according to local conditions."

It is reported that the attempts on the sales of existing housing in many provinces in response to the sales of existing housing are in response to the policy proposed by the Ministry of Housing and Construction in January.The responsibility of fund supervision must be settled in place to prevent funds from escaping, and there must be no new risk of delivery. "

This is also the first time that the Ministry of Housing and Construction has proposed the existing house sales model.The background proposed by this policy is a suspension incident that has occurred in various places since July 2022 due to the rotten real estate and project shutdown. Insufficient delivery to the building has become the core task of governments and major housing enterprises in various local governments.

At the same time, the existing houses that "get what they have seen when they see" have become the choice of housing risks to avoid the risk of housing.According to the calculation of the Yiju Real Estate Research Institute, in June 2021, in the sales area of new commercial housing in China, the sales area of existing housing accounted for about 9.5%, and from December 2022, this ratio reached 13.9%, which was significantly improved, which was significantly improved, which was significantly improved, which was significantly improved.Essence

The market's call to cancel the pre -sale of housing and promote the sales of existing housing also follows.In July 2022, the relevant person in charge of the Banking Insurance Regulatory Commission responded to this that whether the pre -sale of the housing housing should be related to the entire new real estate model, and the official will consider this issue coordinating.Nowadays, the industry has pointed out that the reform number of the current housing sales in 2023 has sounded, and the rhythm of reform will be accelerated.