Zhou Xiaopu, a professor at the School of Journalism of Renmin University of China, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that since China implemented a family planning policy, the phenomenon of only children has changed China's family structure and relationship, and also affected the new generation of generationsThe family and marriage concepts, their self -awareness is strong, and pays more attention to self -worth.

The concept of marriage and childbearing in China is changing.A survey shows that Chinese women's lifeless rates have risen rapidly, since 6.1%in 2015 rose to nearly 10%in 2020, showing that the childbirth willingness of Chinese childcare women has continued to decrease.

According to the CCTV News client, the third China Population and Development Forum held in Beijing on Saturday (February 11) announced a survey results that showed that among Chinese nursery women, the average number of children who planned to have children in 2021 was 1.64One, below 1.76 in 2017 and 1.73 in 2019.As the "post -90s" and "post -00s" of the main body of fertility, the average number of children planned to have children in 2021 was only 1.54 and 1.48.

In addition, the number of children in Chinese women fell from 1.63 in 2019 to 1.19 in 2022, and the trend of small -scale family size was increasingly obvious.In 2020, the average family households in China fell to 2.62, a decrease of 0.48 from 2010.

Women's concept of marriage and childbearing is also changing.A survey conducted by the China Population and Development Research Center in 2021 showed that only less than 70%of Chinese women under the age of 35 believe that "the life of children is complete."The survey pointed out that the delayed marriage and childbirth brought about by changes in family concepts have become the most important factor in the downward trend of Chinese fertility.

Since the 1990s, China's fertility rate has continued to decline, and the current decline in population is significantly faster than previous expectations.According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China last month, the total population of China decreased by 850,000 in 2022, which was the first negative growth in the population in 60 years.

Zhou Xiaopu, a professor at the School of Journalism of Renmin University of China, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that with the development of the times and concepts, women's consciousness continued to rise, and the younger generation of marriage and childbirth changed a lot.Concept, take the initiative to choose not to marry infertility.In their opinion, marriage and fertility are not the way to live in life. Marriage and fertility are some kind of exploitation of women and cannot meet the needs of self -worth.

Zhou Xiaopu analyzed that since China implemented a family planning policy, the phenomenon of only children has changed China's family structure and relationship, and also affected the family and marriage concepts of the new generation. They have strong self -awareness and pay more attention to self -worth.On the other hand, a series of issues and reality considerations in the family parenting process, including the high cost of fertility, raising and education, and also affecting women's willingness to fertility.

There are still obvious gender discrimination in society

She also pointed out that there are still a large number of obvious gender discrimination in Chinese society, such as a lot of discrimination in women in recruiting workers, recruiting cadres, enrollment, and promotion of cadres.Compared with men, women have more difficulties in the development of life, and have also triggered the evasion and resistance of women.

Talking about the cultivation of the concept of marriage and childbearing, Wang Pei'an, secretary of the Party Group and Executive Vice President of the Chinese Family Planning Association, pointed out at the third China Population and Development Forum that when the level of fertility guarantee is still very low, if there is no marriageThe guidance of the concept, the improvement of fertility levels will be extremely difficult.

As a complex social problem, the decline in China's fertility rate involves factors such as changes in the values of the people and the trend of late marriage and late childbirth, but also associated with various factors such as society, economy, and policies.

Wang Peian suggested that we must take multiple measures and do a good job of family construction in the new era, including the development of housekeeping, pension, and childcare and childcare industries; implement the annual vacation system, gradually adjust and shorten the working time, promote the elastic work system, give family life and leisureTravel more support, etc.

Scholars: must first solve the problem of childcare

Zhou Xiaopu also pointed out in an interview that to enhance the childbirth willingness of childcare people, we should first reflect on a series of existing policies and solve a series of problems in the process of parenting, including reducing the cost of raising, promoting education fairness, increasing supply of childcare serviceswait.In addition, it is also a issue that to fully protect the employment rights and interests of women's employment and promote equality of employment gender.