中国一些地方近期先后传出整治高价彩礼、News about high -priced gifts.

Last Friday (February 10) in Liyang County, Jiangsu Province held a new era of civilized marriage and love advocacy activity in the new era of "Lady Puyang", and proposed unmarried young women to refuse high -priced gifts.

30 young unmarried young women in Daijiapu Township, Suichuan County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province also collectively signed the "Promotion of High -priced Gifts".

Nanchang, Jiangxi Provincial Congress, also intends to hold a hundred pairs of collective weddings on the Women's Day on March 8th.In addition to paying tea for the parents of both parties, the new people will also collectively read the promise of "Don't Celebrate Benefit and Happiness", and drink together.

The man to give the woman a gift to the woman is one of the traditional Chinese wedding customs.However, in recent years, "sky -high gifts" have appeared in some places, and many families, especially rural or low -income families to become a family for their sons, have to be hollowed out, and even forced their family.Some young couples who had a good relationship were also contradictory due to high -priced gifts, and some people ended in a breakup.

Jiangxi Cai Li situation

In early January this year, a knowledge of "Jiangxi girlfriend asked Shanghai boyfriend for 18.88 million yuan (RMB, with the same below, 3.68 million new dollars)"In the post, board the hot search on various social platforms.Although it was confirmed afterwards, things were purely fabricated, and the account of the netizen's Zhihu account was also banned, but there were still many discussions on the Internet that "Jiangxi girls dare not marry".

How can the provinces entitled "The highest gift" of the "colorful gift" of the "Cai Li" in early January of the half -month period of the official media Xinhua News Agency?The article quoted the Chinese lottery ranking in 2022, stating that Jiangxi ranked first in the list with 380,000 yuan in the launch of the house.

Reported that although the information of Cai Li may not be true, the sky -high gift is indeed a weapon of "mother -in -law in various places", which also makes some rural families face the embarrassment of marrying wives.

In response to the problem of high -priced gifts in Jiangxi, the "Nine School News" under the Yangtze River Daily interviewed a number of married people in Jiangxi found that the amount of gifts in Jiangxi generally jumped from 80,000 yuan, and some reached 800,000 yuan.Essence

High -priced colorful gifts also let the banks in Jiangxi see the borrowing business opportunities.A promotional poster of Jiangxi Jiujiang Bank, which was circulated on the Internet in 2021, shows that banks can provide customers with a loan with a maximum of 300,000 yuan, one year of the longest loan period, and an annual interest rate of up to 4.9 %., Buy jewelry, buy a car or buy an appliance.Applicants only need to meet three conditions: the age of 22 and above, the continuous working time is no less than 12 months, and the couple must be the official employee of the administrative institution.However, under the discussion of public opinion, Jiujiang Bank quickly withdrew the advertisement and apologized to the public.

circulating on the Internet in 2021 circulated on the Internet in 2021 circulated on the Internet in 2021.Jiangxi Jiujiang Bank's "Cai Li Loan" publicity poster shows that banks can provide customers with a loan with a maximum of 300,000 yuan, the longest loan period of one year, and an annual interest rate of up to 4.9 %.Buyer appliances.(Internet)

CCTV described in a comment last March that "Cai Li Lao" was a stimulating a ignition of social bad habits.The marketing as a gimmick can be described as "sword walking forward", which is tantamount to "stimulating the wind and ignition" of the bad habits of the people.

The relationship between Jiangxi Cai Li and economic development

Liu Guoying, the person in charge of Nanchang City Beauty Wedding Institute, told the interface news that the overall level and economic development level in Jiangxi showed a high degree of negative correlation.The poorer, the higher the gift.

Liu Guoying introduced that in Nanchang as an example, the average gift in the urban area is currently about 128,000 to 188,000 yuan, while Nanchang's county color gift level is higher than 188,000 yuan.

Some analysts believe that an important reason for Jiangxi's sky -high gifts is that the proportion of men and women is seriously disordered.According to the results of China's sixth census, Jiangxi is the province with the most unbalanced gender ratio of the "post -90s" population. The proportion of men and women is 120.8: 100.In other words, about six boys and five girls in about every 11 Jiangxi "post -90s".This group is the main force of the market in recent years.

People's Daily quoted Deng Hong, director of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Jiangxi Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, to recognize the analysis. After the reform and opening up, more and more young women entered the city.Generally, women can easily find the other half in the city and settle in the city, which has led to a decrease in the number of rural women. The young men in rural areas want to get married.When they want to get married, they can only pay high prices.

In order to rectify high -priced gifts, Jiangxi launched a special rectification operation in 2022.

Among them, the six departments including Pingxiang Civil Affairs Bureau issued notice, requiring to carry out high -priced lottery rectification according to local conditions to return the essence of "gifts" to the nature of "gifts", and promote "zero gifts". It is recommended that colorful gifts will not exceed 30,000 yuan.

There are similar publicity activities in many places in Nanchang County last October.In the village and Youlan Village of Youlan Town, the village cadres combined with the cases around them explained the importance of moving the customs in rural areas, advocating the people to abandon bad social atmosphere, and establishing a new concept of marriage and education.The Qiancun and Mountain Village of Nanxinxiang Township also held a seminar to discuss the gifts.

Lottery in China

The problem of high -priced color gifts is not unique to Jiangxi in China.

Chinese social media circulates a picture of the Gift List in China in 2022.This colorful map is ranked based on the average amount of colorful gifts.

Among them, Jiangxi ranks first with an average of 380,000 yuan.Cai Li also includes 300,000 yuan in Fujian, 250,000 yuan in Zhejiang, 200,000 yuan in Jiangsu, 200,000 yuan in Liaoning, and more than 150,000 yuan in Liaoning includes Shanghai 180,000 yuan, Shandong 170,000 yuan, Anhui 160,000 yuan and Tianjin160,000 yuan, etc.

Chinese social media circulated last year.In 2022, the picture of the entire China List Ranking, Jiangxi ranked first with an average of 380,000 yuan.(Internet)

Tencent News Valley Yu Data also launched a 2020 Chinese Lottery Survey in September 2020 to learn about the amount of gifts from the 1846 Chinese people.

According to this survey, Zhejiang ranked first in the list of Chinese color gifts with an average of 183,000 yuan, about twice as much as the national average of 69,095 yuan.Other provinces on the list also include Heilongjiang 150,000 yuan, 131,000 yuan in Fujian, 1120,000 yuan in Jiangxi, and 110,000 yuan in Inner Mongolia.

In addition to giving gifts, more than 70 % of men have sent jewelry, that is, "three gold and four silver" (three gold finger gold necklaces, gold earrings, gold rings, four silver finger silver bowls, silver chopsticks, Silver Barrier, Silver Bracelet).Nearly 40 % of Cai Li also sent a house and car, that is, "one motion" ("one movement" is a car, "no movement" is the house).

Tencent News Valley data in 2020Cainea survey shows that ZhejiangIt ranked first with an average of 183,000 yuan, which was about twice as much as the national average of 69,095 yuan.Other provinces on the list include 15,200 yuan in Heilongjiang; 131,000 yuan in Fujian; 11,200 yuan in Jiangxi; 110,000 yuan in Inner Mongolia.(

Investigation also shows that more than 40 % of the families conflict due to colorful gifts.Nearly half of the interviewed men believed that Cai Li was a bad habit that should be abandoned, and the pressure of the man's family alone; more than 60 % of the women believed that Cai Li was a manifestation of the man's sincerity.Men believe that the most reasonable gift amount is 10,000 to 50,000 yuan, while women think it is 50,000 to 100,000 yuan.

Rectify high -priced gifts and promote the reform of marriage customs.

China's first population has increased for the first time in 60 years last year.While local governments have strengthened their efforts to encourage marriage and fertility, they have also promoted marriage customs that are mainly targeted at sky -high gifts.

Last May, Gansu Dingxi restricted the local colorful gift within 50,000 yuan, stipulating that the wedding mats in urban areas and rural areas did not exceed 20 tables.According to incomplete statistics, since the implementation of this measure in June last year, 70 % of the local marriages were controlled at 0 to 50,000 yuan, with an average of 49,000 yuan, a decrease of 10.9 % from the previous decrease.

Henan also promoted the reform of marriage customs in 20 regions last July. Various plans were introduced. For example, Ningling County advocated that colorful gifts were not higher than 30,000 yuan.Yuan et al.

In September last year, Geng Zhenhua, the secretary of the Shanxian County Party Committee of the Shandong Province of the Communist Party of China, also publicly held a collective wedding for the 20 newcomers of the 20 pairs of "zero gifts" and "low -color gifts".

Surging news "Comment immediately" comments.However, the formation of good customs is a gradual process, which cannot be achieved overnight.

Call for China in early February this year called China early February this year called for China early February this year.Accelerate the promotion of various tasks of fertility and support, and encourage places to innovate boldly in reducing the cost of fertility education.(Reuters)

The comments from pointed out that the sky -high gifts are intensifying, of course, there are cultural reasons."Face" and other winds to help the colorful comparison.

This comment also mentioned that there is a strong economic attribution behind sky -high prices."Only by finding the underlying logic behind this symptom, can the right medicine be taken away and moved away this 'big mountain' that is pressed on many farmers."

Can the high -priced gifts work through administrative orders?

"Kung Fu Finance" analyzed in an article last year that administrative means interfered with colorful gifts, and from the perspective of economics, it was equivalent to using price control to prevent prices from rising.From a historical and practical perspective, there is no successful precedent.

There is a saying that the birth of a boy is the "Construction Bank" and the giving birth to a girl is "China Merchants Bank". Although there are certain jokes, it reflects that there are bad marriages in some places.China is facing a crisis, and the official encourages young people to get married and have no estimation.In the short term, rectification of high -priced gifts may be able to remove some obstacles for some couples who want to get married, but related to Cai Li, as well as social problems such as women's post -marital interests, equality between men and women, and marriage values, these are not changed overnight.