A survey shows that China is experiencing dual changes in population and family. The low fertility rate and family miniature trend are obvious. Among themNearly 10%.

According to China CCTV News client report, the third China Population and Development Forum was held in Beijing last Saturday (February 11).

The survey shows that the concept of marriage and childbearing in China is changing, and the trend of small -scale family size is increasingly obvious.In 2020, the average family households in China fell to 2.62, a decrease of 0.48 from 2010.The delayed marriage and childbirth brought by changes in family concepts has become the most important factor in the downward fertility level.

The first marriage age of the national population in China has been delayed. Women's average first marriage age has continued to rise from 22 in the 1980s to 26.3 years old in 2020, and the age of first childbirth was postponed to 27.2 years.

The willingness to have fertility for childbearing age continues to decline. In 2021, the average number of children planned to have children was 1.64, which was lower than 1.76 in 2017 and 1.73 in 2019.The latter "only 1.54 and 1.48.

Wang Pei'an, secretary of the Party Group and Executive Vice President of the Chinese Family Planning Association, said that in the case of China's fertility guarantee level is still very low, if there is no guidance of the concept of marriage and childbirth, the improvement of fertility levels will be extremely difficult.

Wang Peian suggested that they should give full play to the leading role of the new wedding culture, promote the age of marriage, eugenics and eugenics, and encourage husbands and wives to take responsibility for parenting;Promote the elastic working system, and vigorously develop housekeeping, pension, and childcare education industry.

China's first shrinking for more than 60 years last year.According to the official data released in January this year, the population in 2022 decreased by 850,000 compared with 2021, which was 1.4117.5 billion;To 6.77, the lowest level since 1950.