(Tokyo / Washington Comprehensive News) Sources said that as the Sino -US relations became more tense due to Taiwan, China was considering that in 2035, the existing nuclear warhead reserves were doubled to 900.

The Kyodo News on Saturday (February 11) quoted sources from Chinese sources reported that the blueprint formulated by the Chinese People's Liberation Army has been approved by the Chinese Central Military Commission chairman.

The Central Military Commission believes that it is a nuclear deterrent force to prevent Russia from conflicting with NATO

The Communist News Agency also quoted sources that the Central Military Commission reiterated the importance of fatal weapons in November last year and believed that it was a strong nuclear deterrent that allowed Russia to avoid positive conflicts with NATO when invading Ukraine.

Sources also added that the number of nuclear warheads in China may increase to 550 at the 100th anniversary of the founding of the PLA in 2027, and increased to 900 in 2035.

According to data from the Institute of International Peace, Sweden, Russia currently has 5,977 nuclear warheads, about 3700 in the United States, and Russia and the United States have a total of about 90 % of the global total.

According to Agence France -Presse and Bloomberg, the report released by the US Department of Defense last November pointed out that China's nuclear arsenal may increase by more than 2035, reaching 1500 nuclear warheads.The Pentagon said that China has "accelerated the expansion of nuclear arsenal in 2021" since 2021.

China hopes to basically achieve national defense and military modernization in 2035.Some international experts are worried that once China realizes the modernization of the army, it may give up the promise of "not using nuclear weapons first".