(Wuhan Comprehensive News) A young man in Shayang County, Hubei, China, refused to submit military service, was fined in addition to paying 34,584 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 6746), and was fined that he must not be in business or loan within two years., Go abroad, etc.

According to Surging News and et al., According to the Shayang County Government, Zhang Jiahao, 22, voluntarily applied for enrollment last fall, but shortly after joining the army, he made a number of termination of service application for the work and life of the army.Essence

After repeated education and persuasion of cadres, he still refused to continue to fulfill his military service obligations, and the military finally gave a name and returned to his original status.

However, the official report said that Zhang Jiahao seriously violated the relevant provisions of the Chinese Military Service Law and shall impose nine punishments on him in accordance with the regulations of the recruitment work.

This includes not allowed him to become a civil servant or a staff member of state -owned enterprises and institutions, and cannot go through business procedures, bank loans and outbound procedures for going abroad within two years.