I stood on the Gao Gang, looking in the distance, the green wave, the sea.Many young people who bought a house in the past few years have become more and more capable of understanding Zhang Huimei's stand on Gao Gang.

Compared with the interest rates of more than 5%and 6%in previous years, the first home loan interest rate in many places has fallen below 4%and continued to explore.The loan repay in advance seems to be a game between the loan and the bank. The former hopes to repay the loan cost as soon as possible, and the latter hopes that the former will slow down or not pay in advance.

I bought a house when the interest rate was high, but I never hesitated

Information related to mortgage interest rates all affects people's hearts.Recently, the news of the first home interest rate of the Central Bank CBRC, the extension of the repayment age, the delayed retirement, the reform of the medical insurance, and the negative population growth of the house followed. Regardless of whether it is directly related to the housing, people will associate with the mortgage.Not a high mortgage interest rate.

In 2018, 5.88%in 2019, 5.83%in 2020, 5.4%in 2021, 6.37%. When many young people who bought a house a few years ago were interviews with surging news, they all thought they bought a house at a high interest rate, butI never hesitated.

All young people felt that they bought a high point. In that vigorous year, they mistakenly thought that the world belonged to him.At that time, the light people hollowed out their pockets, but found that their dreams were not named.The loan is not terrible, but the loan and layoffs are almost back and forth.Xiao Zhang, a post -80s of the house purchased in Nanjing, Jiangsu in 2019, told Surging News.

Xiao Zhang bluntly stated that their generation was greatly influenced by European and American culture. It was grew up to look at old friends.Except for the economic crisis in 2008, they have hardly encountered any hurdle. They are the most daring -loan generations in history until this wave has begun to be educated.

The first set of mortgage interest rates have fallen sharply

Since 2022, the interest rate of mortgage loans in some regions has been reduced.Entering May, the central bank and the China Banking Regulatory Commission announced that the lower limit of the first mortgage interest rate was issued to the first set of mortgages, which was adjusted from not less than less than the corresponding period of loan market quotation (LPR) to not less than 20 basis points of LPR at the corresponding period.The above LPR exceeds 15 basis points from April, a decrease of 4.45%.This is also the largest of LPR by more than 5 years since the establishment of the LPR new mechanism.Since then, the interest rate of the first home loan in many places is as low as 4.25%.

Entering 2023, the Central Bank and the Banking Insurance Regulatory Commission established the first set of housing loan interest rate policy dynamic adjustment mechanisms to clarify cities with the sales price of newly -built commercial housing in the previous month and year -on -year declines.Interest rate policy lower limit.It was another round of housing loans. The interest rate of the first home loan loan in many places had fallen below 4%to 3.7%or even 3.6%.

What does mortgage mean for young people?In fact, this means more opportunities and less freedom.After the 90s, I told Peng Mei News that if she had a mortgage, she might think so.In 2020, she bought a house in nearly 4 million yuan in a second -tier city, and currently has no mortgage.

Some Xiao Wu, who also worked in the fifth -tier city, said that the local house prices were low. Parents paid the down payment. After a year of commercial loans, they transferred the provident fund loan.No mortgage trouble.Now that they are married, the provident fund of the couple can actually support buying another house.

But most young people are not so lucky.In a few years, the interest rate of mortgages in various cities has declined. Zhengzhou, which had previously loan interest rates exceeding 6%, has now appeared in 3.8%of the first home loan interest rate.If the loan is 1 million yuan, calculated based on equivalent principal and interest and 30 -year period, the interest rate difference between 2.5 percentage points means that there is a difference of more than 1,500 yuan.

It's not easy to repay the loan in advance, pay attention to whether the stock loan will cut interest rates

It can be seen that the interest rate of existing mortgages is too high, or the main reason for the current people to repay the loan in advance.Many post -90s people told Peng Mei News that if they have a little money at hand, they are still willing to repay the loan in advance, and the interest rate is too much.However, it is not easy to repay the loan in advance.

Such as the lonely courageous people sang on the streets and alleys: the shot that loves you, but dare to block the fate.Love you as much as me, the gap is the same.What is missing?money.

After 85, Xiaocheng talked about whether he would repay the loan in advance, and did not pay attention, because he had no money.

I think mortgage has no special meaning to me, but if I have money, I will definitely pay it in advance.The interest rate of the post -90s was 5.88%when I bought the first set of houses in Hefei before. He bluntly said that the interest rate is too backbone (compiled a blow behind the game. The word is from the game.It is equivalent to stabbing the player's back) The stock room. I also learned about the situation of the loan in advance. I have to go to the bank to make an appointment.If the bank is dragged, if you are not afraid of spend, you will say that you want to call the CBRC to complain, so that you can advance it in advance, so as not to line up until half a year.

On February 10, the data released by the People's Bank of China showed that in January, RMB loans increased by 4.9 trillion yuan, an increase of 922.7 billion yuan year -on -year, a record of the highest monthly credit investment.However, from a structural point of view, corporate loans have performed strongly, and the loans of residential departments continue to weaken, accounting for only 5%of all new loans, showing that the phenomenon of continuous deleveraging of the residential sector is still continuing.

In the fourth quarter of 2022, the urban reserve questionnaire survey showed that in the fourth quarter of last year, the income experience index, income confidence index, and employment expectations index of 20,000 cities in 50 cities nationwide decreased.The income experience index in the fourth quarter of last year was 43.8%, a decrease of 3.2 percentage points from the previous season.Among them, 10.8%of the residents believe that the income increases by 1.3 percentage points from the previous quarter.percentage point.The income confidence index was 44.4%, a decrease of 2.1 percentage points from the previous season.

Income is unstable, the investment income is down, and the LPR has been reduced multiple times, etc., making more and more people start paying attention to early repayment.But the loans of these people are all loans of stocks.Whether the interest rate of stock mortgages can be adjusted, this topic is slightly sensitive.Earlier, the banking industry made it clear that the interest rate of the loan in stock housing could not be adjusted.Today, some banking people told Peng Mei News that these months are relatively vacuum. Wait a few months to see if there will be related policies.Some experts and scholars believe that the adjustment conditions of the interest rate of stock loans have matured.

However, for banks, whether it is in advance to repay loans or adjust the interest rate of stock loans, it will cause its own operating pressure.Regarding the current loan repayment behavior, a state -owned bank person has previously told Surging News that mortgage income is a long -term stable biological asset for banks.Essence

Some people in the banking industry told Peng Mei News that banks did not want the mortgage business to fall too fast, and at the same time, they did not want their lock -up income or high -quality assets with high returns to be too affected.

There are multiple risks with the help of consumer loans and business loans.

From the perspective of overall loan interest rates, the interest rates of corporate loans in various places have reached a record low, and interest rates such as personal business loans and consumer loans have also remained low.For example, in December last year, the average interest rate of the newly issued corporate loan in Beijing was 3.09%, which hit a new low since the statistics. In December 2022, the average interest rate of the Shanghai corporate loan was 3.59%, a decrease of 62 basis points from the end of the previous year.Before and after the Spring Festival, major bank salespersons have begun to sell personal credit loans and consumer loan business preferential activities, and many banks have less than 4%.

Compared with the personal housing loan interest rate, although there is a down reduction, there is still a gap between the interest rates between the above loans, and the interest rate of the stock loan is even greater.

Out of consideration of current income, future work, and economic expectations, Xiao Zhang is inIn recent years, it has been repaid many times in advance, and so far, it has paid 1.75 million yuan in advance.She told Peng Mei News that the loan interest rate of that year was 5.83%, but that year, she could easily buy a 7%safe security financial product that year.After 2020, the global economy has entered a new cycle, and the overwhelming layoffs have also come out, so it is a little bit a little bit in advance.

In response to the downward trend of loan interest rates, some people have taken the idea of consumer loan and operating loan replacement mortgage.Because of this, some intermediaries are also pushing such businesses, saying that cost can be saved.

It should be noted that not everyone can withstand the potential risks of housing loan transfer operation loans and consumer loans.Moreover, when the intermediary helps the operation -related transfer, his own demand is also charging an intermediary fee.However, although the business is not compliant, the current status of poor mortgage interest rates makes some people willing to try.

According to the regulatory regulations, the operating loan and consumer loan metropolis agreed to clearly use the use of funds. After the transfer, if the bank finds that the lender fails to use the relevant loan funds in accordance with the agreed use, the loan can be recovered in advance in accordance with the lender's breach of contract and will affect personal credit collection.wait.In terms of duration, mortgage time is long, and the period of consumer loans and business loans is shorter, and the principal is required to return at one time.If the lender has no stable source of funds, the principal cannot be repaid in time after the loan expires, and the risk of breaking the capital chain may be generated.

In recent days, a news that the age of Nanning's mortgage can be extended to 80 years old has been on the hot search list, which also illustrates the advantages of the loan loan period.According to relevant reports, some banks officially adjusted the age limit of personal housing mortgage loan borrowers from the original 70 -year -old to 80 years old.Essence

However, as the current demand for new houses and second -hand housing loans is weak, the feedback obtained by young people is not consistent.Someone commented on the relevant Weibo that for the suite to fight until 80 years old?More people are concerned about mdash; mdash;When can I get in the car?