The CPC Central Committee No. 1 document is released, and it is proposed to resolutely adhere to the bottom line of ensuring food safety and preventing scale of large -scale return, solidly promote key tasks such as rural development, rural construction, and rural governance.Ji Yiye and Meimei villages.

Since the 21st century, the 20th Document No. 1 of the "agriculture, rural areas" has been guided by Xinhua News Agency to be released on Monday 1 (February 13).

There are nine parts of the full text of the document, including grasping grasping food and important agricultural products, strengthening agricultural infrastructure construction, strengthening agricultural technology and equipment support, consolidating the results of poverty alleviation, promoting high -quality rural industriesDevelopment, broadening the channels for increasing farmers' income and increasing revenue, solidly promoting livable and livable and rural construction, improving the rural governance system led by party organizations, strengthening policy guarantees and institutional mechanism innovation.

Documents point out that China's most difficult and heavy task is still rural areas.The transformation of the world's 100 years has accelerated, China's development has entered a period of strategic opportunities and risk challenges, and uncertainty is uncertain that it is difficult to predict the increase in factors.

The relevant person in charge of the Office of the Leading Group of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China said that it is necessary to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, implement the important exposition of Xi Jinping's work on the work of "three rural areas, and rural areas,The responsibility system, really do a good job in the key work of 2023, complete the established goals and tasks, and promote the continuous progress of new progress in the promotion of rural revitalization and the opening of the construction of a strong agricultural country.